Documentation - Vacancies in Permanent Supportive Housing

Documentation for the Vacancies in Permanent Supportive Housing report, which includes the report’s purpose, data source, reporting frequency, and key terms.


This report provides information on vacancies within HSH’s permanent supportive housing (PSH) site-based portfolio.

Data Source

Starting in July 2023, this dataset uses information from the Online Navigation and Entry (ONE) System, a HUD-compliant Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

Before July 2023, the dataset was derived from the One System and the Offline Vacancy Tracker. Prior to relying on the ONE System for this information, the Offline Vacancy Tracker was HSH’s application for tracking offline units that were not ready for client referral due to various reasons (i.e. maintenance, janitorial, pest control).

Reporting Frequency

This dashboard is updated monthly with a snapshot from the previous month.

Data Notes

Information represents a point in time specified by the “Last Updated” date on the bottom of the report. Existing inventory totals used to calculate the vacancy percentage may change when updates to our inventory occur.

The dashboard excludes scattered-site PSH. Scattered-site PSH is not tied to a physical unit but rather to a subsidy or voucher. The total number of these subsidies or vouchers can vary.

  • In June 2023 HSH shifted our vacancy tracking fully to the ONE System. Data for June 2023 is not available due to this transition period.
  • In March 2024 we did another overhaul of our data system. Vacancy data is also not available for this month.

Key Terms and Acronyms

Key terms for this dashboard include:

  • Buildings in Lease-Up Phase – Sites are identified as being in “lease up phase” from the time they begin accepting referrals until they have been open for tenant move-ins for six months (prior to January 2024, the lease-up phase was four months).
  • Available for Referral – Count of online units that do not have a client associated with the opening.
  • Referral Pending – Online units where a client referral has been made to the unit and is accepted or pending in progress.
  • Offline – Units that are not ready to receive a tenant referral due to one of the various offline unit statuses.
  • Offline Vacancy Status – Offline Vacancies are represented according to the status of the unit as categorized in the table below:
Offline Vacancy StatusDefinition


Unit requires minor or major repairs and cleaning.

Property Hold

Unit is on hold by the property; details tracked in text notes.

Internal Transfer (within program)

Unit is being held for an internal transfer at the site.

Coroner Hold

Unit is being held by the City’s Medical Examiner’s Office.



Monthly Vacancy Count

The sum of total vacant units, both offline and online. Includes units from existing and leasing up buildings.

Vacancy Percentage

The percentage of vacancies (both online and offline) within existing buildings calculated from the total inventory.

Note: “Buildings in Lease-Up Phase” are excluded in this calculation. Newly opened buildings typically take a few months to fully lease up and move new clients in. Excluding these vacancies allows HSH to more accurately monitor PSH vacancies that result from turnover.


  • For general inquiries, contact:
  • For media inquiries, contact:
  • For technical issues related to this dashboard, contact: