Finding and staying in housing.
Renting affordable housing
Get City help to find and stay in an affordable rental. Includes below market rate housing.
Buy a home with City help
Buy a below market rate home. Get a loan for a downpayment. Includes services for homeowners.
Tenant resources and eviction help.
Healthy housing conditions
We help keep San Francisco housing healthy by protecting residents from vermin and lead poisoning.
Find an affordable rental
Enter the lottery to rent a below market rate apartment on DAHLIA SF Housing Portal.
Apply to buy a home with City help
First time homebuyers can apply for specific listings, or apply for a downpayment loan on any home.
Find a housing counselor
Counselors can help with your application and housing search.
More services
Donate to San Francisco through Give2SF
Choose from funds including the Disaster and Emergency Response and Recovery Fund, the Mayor's Fund for the Homeless, and others.
Learn about San Francisco rental laws
The San Francisco Rent Ordinance offers rent control and eviction protections for most tenants.
Report an unlawful rent increase or request a review of your rent history
If you believe a rent increase is unlawful or want to know if your current rent is lawful, you may file a petition alleging an unlawful rent increase and/or requesting a determination of the lawful rent.
Speak with a Rent Board counselor
Get help over the phone or in person on Rent Ordinance topics.