Personal records
Official documents for identification and research.
Birth records
Death records
Get a San Francisco death certificate more than 3 years ago
You can get a copy of a death certificate record for someone who died in San Francisco more than 3 years ago and after 1906.
Get a death certificate for someone who died in the last 3 years
Death certificates are available in-person, and by mail.
Understand forensic examinations
What happens when a body is sent for a forensic exam.
Marriage and domestic partnership
Get married in San Francisco
Getting married is a multi-step process. You must get a marriage license and have a ceremony to be married.
Get a marriage license
Before you get married in California, you must have a marriage license issued in the past 90 days.
Register as Domestic Partners
You can register at City Hall for a San Francisco Domestic Partnership, with the option of a commitment ceremony.
Health records