Percentage of scheduled service hours delivered

Monthly scheduled service hours delivered.

Measure description

This is a measure of the percentage of Muni scheduled service hours that Muni delivers. This output indicator helps the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) monitor its adherence to scheduled service times.   

Why this measure is important

Reporting on the Percentage of Scheduled Service Hours delivered provides the public, elected officials, and City staff with a current snapshot of the SFMTA’s transit performance. By tracking this performance, SFMTA can ensure that it delivers its full transit schedule to provide optimal customer service.  

The interactive chart below presents SFMTA’s Percentage of Scheduled Service Hours Delivered.  

Percentage of scheduled service hours delivered

Chart legend:

  • Y-axis: Percentage of scheduled service hours delivered 
  • X-axis: Calendar year  

How performance is measured

The Percentage of Scheduled Service Hours Delivered is calculated using the following methodology:  

Total of differences between every trip start and trip end divided by the total scheduled service hours of all trips.  

Trips are identified as filled if an operator is assigned, or unfilled if not. 

The number displayed on the scorecard page represents a fiscal year average of the values in the chart above. 


All service hours data come from SFMTA’s Performance Portal. Service hour data are reported with a one-month lag. For example, May’s data will be available at the end of June.  

Additional information

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