New measures coming soon:
The following measures are in the process of being added to the Homelessness Response System Scorecard:
- Temporary Shelter Occupancy Rate: Percentage of all available year-round adult homeless shelter beds used
- Number of Year-Round Shelter Beds: Number of currently online year-round adult homeless shelter beds
- Total Number of Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Units: Number of currently online permanent supportive housing units
- PSH Households Remaining in Housing: Percentage of households (adults and families) in permanent supportive housing that remained or exited to other permanent housing
More detail here on Citywide Trends
Homelessness Population
San Francisco's Biennial Point-in-Time (PIT) Count
More detail here on the Homelessness Response System
Direct Exits from Homelessness
Households exiting homelessness each year through participation in City programs
Homelessness Prevention
Households securing or maintaining housing through the help of a City homelessness prevention grant