Index of Landlord and Tenant Information
A site index to help you locate information on our website.

General Information
009 - Speak with a Rent Board Counselor
010 - File documents with the Rent Board
011 - Rent Board Contact Information and Hours
012 - About us
013 - Rent Board Fee
014 - Rent Board laws and regulations/ Purchase paper copies
015 - Translation Services
016 - Accessible Meeting Policy
017 - Overview of Covered and Exempt Units
018 - Partial Exemption for Certain Subsidized Rental Units
019 - Partial Exemption for Certain Single-Family Homes and Condominiums Under Costa-Hawkins
020 - Partial Exemption for Newly Constructed Rental Units
Annual and Banked Rent Increases
050 - Learn About Rent Increases in San Francisco
053 - Banked Rent Increases
Security Deposits
101 - Security Deposits
199 - The Eviction Process
200 - Evictions in San Francisco
201 - Overview of Just Cause Evictions
202 - General Eviction Notice Requirements
203 - Notice Requirements for Evictions Based on Owner or Relative Move-in
204 - Evictions Based on Owner or Relative Move-in
205 - Evictions Pursuant to the Ellis Act
206 - Temporary Evictions for Capital Improvements
207 - Evictions Based on Substantial Rehabilitation
208 - Evictions Based on Breach of Lease Involving Material Change in Original Lease Term
209 - Evictions Based on Breach of No-Subletting Clause and/or Breach of Occupancy Limits
210 - Evictions of Roommates and Subtenants
211 - Reports of Alleged Wrongful Eviction
212 - Unlawful Detainer Actions in Court
213 - Evictions to Demolish or Permanently Remove a Unit From Housing Use
Roommates and Subletting
150 - Roomates and Subletting
151 - Replacement of Roommates
152 - Charging for Additional Occupants Prohibited
153 - Rent Increases Under Section 6.14 and Costa-Hawkins
155 - Evictions Based on Breach of No-Subletting Clause and/or Breach of Occupancy Limits
Other Landlord/Tenant Issues
251 - General Lease Issues
252 - Landlord Access to a Unit
253 - Renting an Unpermitted Unit
254 - Charging for Additional Occupants Prohibited
255 - Charging Additional Rent for New Housing Services
256 - Parking and Storage Spaces as Housing Services
257 - Minimum Heat Requirements
258 - Noise Problems
259 - Uniform Residential Hotel Visitor Policy
260 - Handling Repair Problems
261 - Rent Withholding and the Repair and Deduct Remedy
262 - Resolving Problems With Your Landlord or Tenant
263 - Buyout Agreements
264 - Temporary Rent Reduction Agreements
265 - Disclosure Requirements for Online Rental Advertisements
265A - Disclosure of Rights to Tenants Before and After Sale of Rental Units
266 - Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
267 - Opt-out of the Rent Ordinance for Tenants in Certain Regulated Units
268 - Algorithmic devices that set rent are prohibited in San Francisco
990 - Good Samaritan Tenancy Information
991 - Information on Hoarding and Cluttering
Landlord Petitions and Passthroughs
301 - Overview of Landlord Petitions and Passthroughs
302 - Capital Improvement Petitions
322 - Operating and Maintenance Petitions
323 - Special Circumstances or Comparable Rent Increase Petitions
324 - Proposition I Past Rent History Petitions
325 - Utility Passthroughs
326 - Petitions for Substantial Rehabilitation Exemption
327 - Petitions for Extension of Time to Complete Capital Improvements
328 - Section 1.21 Tenant in Occupancy Petitions
329 - Petitions for Determination Pursuant to Section 6.14 and/or Costa-Hawkins
330 - General Obligation Bond Passthroughs
331 - Water Revenue Bond Passthroughs
Tenant Petitions
351 - Overview of Tenant Petitions
352 - Substantial Decrease in Housing Services Petitions
353 - Failure to Repair and Maintain Petitions
354 - Unlawful Rent Increase Petitions and Lawful Rent Determinations
355 - Tenant Petitions for Improper Utility Passthrough and Deferral of a Utility Passthrough Based on Financial Hardship
356 - Tenant Challenge of Improper Water Revenue Bond Passthrough
357 - Tenant Challenge of Improper General Obligation Bond Measure Passthrough
358 - Petitions for Failure to Discontinue Capital Improvement Passthrough
359 - Section 6.15C(3) Subtenant Petitions based on Proportional Rent
360 - Unlawful Initial Rent Claims by a Subtenant
361 - Tenant Summary Petitions
362 - Reports of Alleged Wrongful Eviction
363 - Tenant Financial Hardship Applications
364 - Tenant Objection to Owner's ADU Declaration and Request for Hearing
365 - Report of Excessive Rent Increase Under the California Tenant Protection Act of 2019
Hearings, Mediations and Appeals
401 - The Hearing Process
402 - Mediation
403 - Minute Orders
404 - Expedited Hearing Orders
405 - The Appeal Process
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