Find resources for preventing homelessness in San Francisco

Get help with relocation, financial housing support, and more if you are at-risk of homelessness in SF.

Emergency rental help

San Francisco Emergency Rental Assistance Program (SF ERAP)

Get emergency financial help for move-in costs and past-due rent if you meet eligibility criteria. 

Check if you are eligible and apply for SF ERAP

Other resources

Eviction Prevention

Get help if you might be evicted. Resolve housing disputes and avoid getting displaced.

Find eviction prevention resources


Home Match San Francisco

This free program connects community members seeking housing with older adults who have extra space in their homes. The program matches participants based on shared lifestyle preferences and communication styles.

Learn more and apply for Home Match


Low-income housing

Get help finding housing for low-income people:

Housing Problem Solving

Problem solving helps people over 18 and families who are at risk of losing their home.

It is not for people who need ongoing shelter or help from the homelessness response system (HRS).

Find an Access Point for Problem Solving

Partner agencies