The Department of Elections Invites Local Voters to Visit the City Hall Voting Center This Weekend

Department of Elections

City and County of San Francisco

John Arntz, Director

For Immediate Release

SAN FRANCISCO, Friday, February 23, 2024 – The Department of Elections will offer a full range of services at its City Hall Voting Center this weekend, February 24th and 25th, as well as next weekend, March 2nd and 3rd.  Like all of San Francisco’s polling places, the City Hall Voting Center can serve voters with many different needs.

Any local voter may choose to mark and cast a paper ballot or an accessible (touchscreen or audio) ballot at the City Hall Voting Center. Any voter may request “curbside” voting service at the Voting Center by calling (415) 554-4375 or by asking a companion to request this service on their behalf. Assistance in many languages is available to any Voting Center visitor, along with official ballots and informational materials in English and either Chinese, Filipino, or Spanish and facsimile (reference) ballots in Burmese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, or Vietnamese.

Local voters unable to travel to the City Hall Voting Center can authorize another person to pick up their ballot on their behalf, by completing a Ballot Pick-up Authorization Form, available at

“For the convenience of San Francisco voters, we will open our City Hall Voting Center on the two weekends right before Election Day,” said Director John Arntz. “Elections personnel at the Voting Center can accept vote-by-mail ballot drop-offs, help eligible residents register to vote, and provide already registered voters with paper or accessible replacement ballots. Additionally, any voter may update their political party preference at the Voting Center and receive a ballot with their preferred presidential candidates.  All Voting Center services are multilingual and accessible.”

Starting this Saturday, the City Hall Voting Center will be open every day through Election Day, as follows:

  • Monday - Friday, February 26-March 4, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday, February 24-25 and March 2-3, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Election Day, Tuesday, March 5, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Whenever the City Hall Voting Center is open, voters may reach multilingual Department staff by calling (415) 554-4375 or TTY: (415) 554-4386. Local voters may also request assistance by sending email to


Department of Elections

City and County of San Francisco

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

City Hall, Room 48

San Francisco, CA 94102

(415) 554-4375

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