Grants for the Arts
We provide general operating support for arts and culture organizations, and fund re-granting to individual artists and groups.


Grants for the Arts
We provide general operating support for arts and culture organizations, and fund re-granting to individual artists and groups.

Welcome to Grants for the Arts
Congratulations to GFTA's FY25 grant recipients! Review FY25 awards listServices
FY24 GFTA Awards List
List of awards made for FY24
Media kit for GFTA
Downloadable assets for Grants for the Arts
Grantee Resource-Sharing Tool
Explore and share resources amongst GFTA grantee community.
Sample Grant Agreement (as of April 2024)
Review a sample grant agreement. This is solely provided as a sample and is subject to change by the City.
RFP FY25 & FY26 Appeals process
Review Grants for the Arts' FY25 & FY26 RFP appeals process.
FY25 & FY26 GOS Timeline
Review GFTA's FY25 & FY26 GOS Timeline
CAO Social Media Comment Policy
Review the City Administrator Office's Social Media Comment Policy
We promote San Francisco's diverse and unique communities by supporting the arts through equitable grantmaking. We strive to be a stable, dependable resource for nonprofit arts and culture organizations who successfully meet funding criteria, and are committed to supporting the full spectrum of art and culture in San Francisco.
Learn more about usJoin GFTA's mailing list by signing up on the link below:
SubscribeContact information
401 Van Ness Avenue
Suite 321
San Francisco, CA 94102
Suite 321
San Francisco, CA 94102
For the quickest response, please contact us via email instead.
General inquiries:
gfta@sfgov.orgRFP or program inquiries: