Accessible voting
Learn about resources to help every voter vote privately and independently.
Accessible Voter Pamphlet
In every election, we provide the Voter Information Pamphlet to all City voters. This pamphlet includes a sample ballot and facts about local contests. We also publish several digital versions about a month before Election Day.
You can also use the Registration Update Form to get the pamphlet in:
- large-print paper
- audio compact disc
- audio flash drive
- National Library Service cartridge
Accessible voting by mail
Mail ballot packets
We mail a ballot packet to every local voter for every election. This packet contains a ballot, a postage-paid return envelope, instructions, and an “I voted!” sticker. (If you need a large-print mail ballot, contact us.)
The return envelope has two holes marking the signature line. If you cannot sign, you can use a mark or registered signature stamp and have someone witness it.
Accessible vote-by-mail system
Starting 29 days before Election Day, you can log into the accessible ballot system. Here, you can use a screen-reader, head-pointer, sip and puff, or similar tool to mark your ballot. For security, you cannot return your accessible mail ballot online. You must print it out and return it by mail or in person.
Ballot delivery and pickup
You can allow someone else to pick up a ballot for you. To do so, have them bring a Ballot Pickup Authorization form to the City Hall Voting Center.
You can also allow someone else to return your ballot by filling out a section of the return envelope.
Any voter who cannot vote by mail or in person because they are hospitalized or otherwise unable to travel to an in-person voting site, can request ballot delivery or pickup services. To request this service, call 415-554-4375 or email us.
Accessible voting in person
Accessible Tools
Every voting site has page magnifiers, pen grips, and seated voting. Most sites also have accessible entrances. (You can view accessibility facts about your polling place on the back of your voter pamphlet.) Any local voter can visit the accessible City Hall Voting Center. The Voting Center opens 29 days before Election Day.
Accessible Marking Device
Every voting site has a ballot-marking device with touchscreen and audio ballots. On this device, you can select your ballot format, font, background color, and language. You can move through your ballot using a braille keypad, headphones, or other device. Available devices include sip and puffs, paddles, and head pointers.
Ballot Marking Help
You can ask a poll worker for help marking your ballot. You can also bring 1 or 2 people (but not your employer or union representative) to help you. Remember, no one can make voting decisions for you.
Curbside Voting Service
To vote “curbside”, call 415-554-4375 or ask someone to enter the voting site to make the request for you. An elections worker will bring your ballot outside and explain how to vote. When you finish voting, an elections worker will come and collect your ballot. Your ballot choices will remain a secret.
Elections workers are here to help!
Accessible voting laws
Many local, state and federal laws guide our accessible services, including:
The Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act of 1984
Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee
Our Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee works to improve access to voting services. To join this group, visit the Join Advisory Committees page.