Sustainability and Climate Action Scorecard
Track key measures of sustainability and climate action in San Francisco
More detail here on Citywide Trends
More detail here on Public Utilities
Explore more information on how the City is meeting its sustainability and climate action goals
San Francisco Climate Action Plan
The 2021 Climate Action Plan charts a pathway to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
San Francisco's Climate Storyboard
See data about greenhouse gas pollutants in San Francisco since 1990.
San Francisco's Carbon Footprint
San Francisco's Carbon Footprint
Zero Waste in San Francisco
Zero Waste means reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting with nothing going to landfill or incineration.
CleanPowerSF is your local, clean electricity provider.
San Francisco Environment Department
The San Francisco Environment Department advances climate protection and enhances quality of life for all San Franciscans.
City Survey: Overall Government Services
San Francisco City Survey asks residents to rate key government services.
Our City's open data portal.
Explore other Scorecard pages for more information about key City priorities
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