Willie Brown Middle School Wellness Center
Health services for Willie Brown Middle School students

Community Health Programs for Youth (CHPY)2055 Silver Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124
Contact and hoursSan Francisco, CA 94124
Offering health services for Willie Brown Middle School (WBMS) Students. For WBMS students, come in to the Wellness Center any time to set up an appointment.
- Birth control
- Sexually transmitted disease (STD) and HIV testing and treatment
- PEP and PrEP
- Primary care
- Urgent care
- Mental health and/or substance abuse counseling
Languages spoken:
- English
- Spanish
Getting here
Community Health Programs for Youth (CHPY)
Willie Brown Middle School
2055 Silver Ave.
San Francisco , CA 94124
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9:00am-12pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9:00am-12pm
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Closed during San Francisco city holidays
Partner agencies
Contact us
Community Health Programs for Youth (CHPY)Willie Brown Wellness Center
2055 Silver Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124
2055 Silver Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94124
Phone number415-642-8901