Projects eligible for an Over-the-Counter (OTC) permit
Apply for your permit through Over-the-Counter (OTC) Review for faster approval of routine projects.
The examples below show which projects qualify for OTC review and which require a different process. While not exhaustive, they provide guidance on the types of projects that can typically be reviewed within one hour. This time limit helps us assist as many applicants as possible each day.
If an application lacks required details or contains conflicting or incorrect information, it will be reassigned for in-house review.
Plans not required
Over-the-Counter permits without plans include, but are not limited to:
- Re-roofing
- In-kind skylight replacement (same size and location)
- In-kind repair decks and/or stairs (less than 50%)
- Replacement windows (same size and same location)
- Replacement garage doors (same size and same location)
- In-kind minor dry rot repair
- In-kind exterior siding repair and/or replacement
- In-kind kitchen remodel (no changes to the floor plan or walls)
- In-kind bathroom remodel (no change to the floor plan or walls)
- Exploratory work to determine depth of footing, stud size/spacing, floor/roof joist size and direction. (Holes to be filled with slurry, and finishes to be replaced with the same fire resistance rating)
- Replacement of wall finishes in R-3 occupancies complying with SFEBC Section 503.11.1
- Bolting down existing foundation and/or adding plywood panels to crawl space/1st floor garage area (not complying with DBI Information Sheet IS-09)
Plans required
Over-the-Counter permits with plans include, but not limited to:
- Kitchen remodel (changing layout or removing walls)
- Bathroom remodel (changing layout or removing walls)
- Residential interior remodel (changing floor plans or walls)
- Repairing decks and/or stairs (more than 50%)
- New windows and/or exterior doors in new locations
- New skylights in new locations
- Decks less than 20 feet above grade that meet Planning Department setbacks
- Sign permits
- Single story non-structural commercial tenant improvement projects
- Permits to comply with the Accessible Business Entrance (ABE) program
- Installation of power door operators
- Voluntary structural strengthening
- Disability access barrier removal projects
- Small to medium projects that do not require Planning Department neighborhood notification
- Fences taller than 6 feet in side or rear yard and/or fences taller than 3 feet in front yard
- Exterior façade work, visible from street, that involves changes in finishes (for example, stucco to siding, wood to vinyl siding, and others)
- New mechanical equipment installed inside or outside the building
- Storefront security gates (excluding some preservation districts)
- Residential security gates at entry doors and/or window security bars, grills, and/or grates
- Replacement of wall finishes in occupancies other than R-3 occupancies
- New washer, dryer, and/or laundry sink hookups in new/existing areas within the existing building
- In-kind replacement of garage slab (no ceiling height changes) although note that saw-cutting SOG to repair/replace sewer lines does not require plans
- Brace and bolt per DBI Information Sheet S-09
Not Over-the-Counter permits
Projects that require in-house review include, but are not limited to:
- Change of use tenant improvements that involve Family Day Care,“E” occupancies, and Laboratory uses
- Serial permitting that continues to increase the scope of the initial remodel
- Foundation replacements and/or seismic upgrades when there is a prior permit, for further expansion, under review
- Remodels that are subject to the Slope and Seismic Hazard Zone Protection Act, Edgehill Mountain Slope Protection Area, and Northwest Mt. Sutro Slope Protection Area
- Excavation projects that expands the below grade footprint
- Extensive residential remodels that changes the gravity load carrying members
- Extensive residential remodels that requires a mandatory seismic upgrade on all levels
- Special (non-conventional) foundation systems including but not limited to: tie backs, deep foundations, and/or complex shoring systems
- Extensive commercial tenant improvements that changes the gravity load carrying members
- Tower Crane installation permits
- Adding and/or removal of unit
- ADU or unit legalization
- Advertising Billboard removal
- Change of use from partial restaurant to full restaurant
- Housing projects
- MOU projects
- Revision permit to remove sprinkler from Issued Building Permit
- Revision to Site permit
- Creation and/or legalization of one or more housing units