Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council
We develop and implement a continuum of county-based responses to juvenile crime.
Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council
We develop and implement a continuum of county-based responses to juvenile crime.
Full calendar2024 Meetings
JJCC meetings are held in person at the Juvenile Probation Department, 375 Woodside Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127 unless otherwise posted.
NEXT MEETING DATE: Please check back.
See also SF DJJ Realignment Subcommittee meetings.
See also the DJJ Realignment Subcommittee of the JJCC
As mandated by state law, and to be eligible for certain state funding, the San Francisco Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council (JJCC) develops and implements a continuum of county-based responses to juvenile crime. The JJCC is responsible for developing and updating the county’s Multi-Agency Local Action Plan to serve Juvenile-Justice Involved Youth. Additionally, the JJCC must establish a subcommittee ("DJJ Realignment Subcommittee") that must develop the County's plan to provide appropriate rehabilitation and supervision services to youth who were eligible for DJJ commitment. The Chief Probation Officer of the Juvenile Probation Department chairs the Council.
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