Park Maintenance Evaluation: Selected Element Scores

Scores for Graffiti and Cleanliness across parks from FY 2022-2024.

About Element scores

Parks may have any number of features such as athletics fields, children's play areas, or lawns. Features are made up of elements. There are over 25 different elements. Some are present in most features and others are only relevant to specific ones. For example, the Sand element only occurs in Children's Play Areas.

We explore two common elements of parks, Graffiti and Cleanliness. Reviewing these can help us to understand any trends for these elements across various park features. This may help to demonstrate practices that are working well or areas that are challenging. The higher the score, the better the conditions for that element. For example, a lower score for Graffiti means that there was more graffiti in places where evaluators checked, whereas a higher score means that there was less graffiti found.

Key takeaways for FY 2024

Both Graffiti and Cleanliness scores remained similar to FY 2023 scores. There was no statistically significant difference between the two years. In FY 2024, Graffiti scored 88% and Cleanliness scored 94%.

Graffiti scores were the best for the Tree features (96%) and the lowest for Building & General Amenities (78%). The Cleanliness scores were the best for the Buildings and General Amenities (97%) and Trees (96%). Cleanliness scores were the lowest for Greenspace, at 88%.

Selected Element Scores

Data notes and sources

Quarterly park evaluations generate the underlying data. We completed analysis and transformations in Microsoft Power BI and R. The dataset is available through DataSF

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