MOHCD Affordable Housing Dashboard


The two dashboard pages below provide a snapshot of the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) and the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII) projects in their affordable housing pipeline and portfolio.

The Affordable Housing Pipeline dashboard includes projects in the process of development—or are anticipated to be developed—in partnership with non-profit or for-profit developers and financed through city funding agreements, ground leases, disposition and participation agreements and conduit bond financing. The Affordable Housing Pipeline also includes housing units produced by private developers through the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program. 

The Affordable Housing Portfolio dashboard includes projects that are completed/occupied and were developed in partnership with non-profit and for-profit developers and financed through city funding agreements, ground leases, disposition and participation agreements and conduit bond financing. The Affordable Housing Portfolio dashboard also includes housing units that were produced by private developers through the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program.

Instructions for using the dashboard

Filter reports by selecting data in each visualization. Hovering over data elements will display additional data. The data filters at the top of the page can be used filter the data by various categories. To select more than one data filter at a time, use the ‘Ctrl’ key.  The dashboard includes two reports. Use the arrow keys at the bottom of the dashboard to scroll through the two dashboards.

The projected number of affordable housing projects and units in the pipeline dashboard are estimates and are subject to change.

Dashboard of MOHCD Affordable Housing Pipeline and Portfolio