City Survey: Muni and Transportation
San Francisco City Survey asks residents to rate Muni and indicate how often they use modes of transportation.
Muni overall rating
City Survey asks residents to grade Muni and asks if residents have used Muni in the past year. The reported grade is an average of resident ratings each year.
Data notes and sources
The City Survey objectively assesses San Francisco residents’ use of and satisfaction with various city services. It was conducted annually from 1996 through 2005, and biennially from 2005 through 2019. The 2021 survey was skipped due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and surveying was resumed for the 2023 survey.
Ratings are scored on a scale of A-Excellent to F-Failing. Most outcomes in the City Survey are developed by averaging responses to create a mean score using a five-point grading scale (A equals five points and F equals one point).
Many services historically had questions asking residents to rate subcomponents of services (such as cleanliness). When only the subcomponent questions were asked, the overall rating was calculated as an average of the subcomponents. Once a question was added that directly asked residents to provide an overall rating, that question is used as the overall rating. Muni ratings were an average of subcomponent ratings through 2015. 2017 on uses the overall rating.
In 2015, the survey methodology changed from mail to phone. In 2023 the survey methodology changed again to include phone, text, online, and intercept methods to reach a more representative sample of San Francisco residents. Therefore, differences in results from years prior to 2023 should be interpreted with caution.
Survey results are weighted in order to make the sample more accurately match the distribution of San Francisco residents across demographic categories as reflected in the census. The averages displayed in reporting are the weighted averages.
View and download City Survey data
View the 2023 survey instrument to see exact language used in each question.
View the 2023 City Survey detailed methodology.
Visit the City Survey home page for more information.
What does the 2023 data show?
The grade for Muni increased in 2023 grade to a B-. Muni was the only government service in the City Survey whose rating increased in 2023.
Resident use of different modes of transportation
City Survey asks residents how often they use different modes of transportation. This helps track changes in transportation preferences over time. This information has been collected in each City Survey since 2013.
Data notes and sources
Survey respondents indicate how often they use each mode of transportation on a scale of: “Daily, 3-6 days/week, 1-2 days/week, less than 1 day/week.” Frequent users indicate that they use a mode of transportation at last one day per week.
The City Survey objectively assesses San Francisco residents’ use of and satisfaction with various city services. It was conducted annually from 1996 through 2005, and biennially from 2005 through 2019. The 2021 survey was skipped due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and surveying was resumed for the 2023 survey.
In 2015, the survey methodology changed from mail to phone. In 2023 the survey methodology changed again to include phone, text, online, and intercept methods to reach a more representative sample of San Francisco residents. Therefore, differences in results from years prior to 2023 should be interpreted with caution.
Survey results are weighted in order to make the sample more accurately match the distribution of San Francisco residents across demographic categories as reflected in the census. The averages displayed in reporting are the weighted averages.
View and download City Survey data
View the 2023 survey instrument to see exact language used in each question.
View the 2023 City Survey detailed methodology.
Visit the City Survey home page for more information.
What does the 2023 data show?
From 2019 to 2023, driving and Muni usage dropped slightly. Walking stayed the same. Biking increased. Uber/Lyft or other rideshare use dropped for the first time since it appeared on the City Survey in 2015. In 2019, 44% of respondents were frequent users and in 2023, only 21% were.
Walking remained the most popular form of frequent transportation. In 2023, 81% of residents indicated they walk as a method of transportation at least once a week.
Find out more
Visit the City Survey home page to find additional reporting and information from 2023 as well as previous years.