Instant online permits
Registered contractors can get electrical, plumbing, reroofing, kitchen and bath, and solar permits instantly.
Register with the City as a licensed contractor
You can file electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and Boiler to Operate permits online, if you register.
Apply for an electrical permit
Learn when you need an electrical permit. Registered contractors can get permits online.
Apply for a plumbing and mechanical permit
See when you need a plumbing or mechanical permit. Registered contractors can get permits online.
Apply for a reroofing permit
Registered contractors can get permits online for some roof replacement work.
Get a permit for a solar photovoltaic system
Submit your application to install a photovoltaic (PV) system with solar panels and eligible battery storage.
Apply for a kitchen or bath remodel permit
Registered general contractors can get permits online to renovate a kitchen or bath.
Apply for a PTO (Permit to Operate Boiler)
Large boilers must be certified every year. Registered contractors can apply online.