Services and resources for the disability community in San Francisco.

Get around SF
Accessibility for all is a transportation guide for people with disabilities and older adults, from the SFMTA.Find out moreServices
Disability and Aging Services (DAS)
Get help at home
DAS programs provide in-home help with personal care and daily chores.
Get groceries and meals
DAS food programs offer free groceries and community meals for pickup or delivery.
Find more DAS programs
Access a wide range of services offered across the City in collaboration with our community partners.
Mayor's Office of Disability (MOD) services
File an ADA complaint
Follow the steps to file a complaint about access to City facilities and services.
Get an ADA Coordinator for your accessibility needs
An ADA Coordinator can help you access City services, programs, and facilities.
Request a curb ramp for sidewalk access
Find out ways to get a curb ramp in San Francisco.
Accessible environments
Comply with the Accessibility Business Entrance (ABE) program
Hire an access professional, categorize your entrance, and submit plans to make it accessible.
Get disability access posters and signs
Download disability access posters and signs to post in public areas.
Apply for a grant to make your business accessible
Small business owners can get reimbursed for accessibility inspections or for making your business more accessible.
Report a violation of sidewalk or parking lane use by businesses
What to do if you see businesses not following rules for their shared space or parklet
Hosting Accessible Events
A step-by-step checklist with instructions and resources.
Community resources
Service and support animals
Guidelines and regulations about service and support animals.
Jobs for people with disabilities
Find career opportunities or employment services for people with disabilities.
Communication tips and resources for people with disabilities
Resources for communicating effectively with people with disabilities and listings of City approved vendors.
City and County of San Francisco Disability Specific Programs
Disability-related programs in San Francisco.
File a discrimination complaint
Tell us about problems accessing employment, housing, businesses, or public spaces.
Housing Rights for People with Disabilities
Federal and state law ensures the rights of people with disabilities to rent, buy or secure financing for any housing.
Community based agencies supporting people with disabilities
Resources and guidance for people with disabilities
Learn about ADA program compliance, training, and how to get help accessing City services.
Know your rights if you have a disability
What to do if you are denied access or need help because of a disability.
Housing resources for people with disabilities
Get disability legal help
Get legal information, advice, or representation.
Disability community organizations (partial list)
Disability Rights California
We defend, advance, and strengthen the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities.
Help for voters with disabilities
Get election materials in accessible formats and learn about accessible voting equipment.
Senior and Disability Action
We mobilize and educate seniors and people with disabilities to fight for individual rights and social justice
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
We are a parent-run San Francisco-based nonprofit organization that supports families of children with any kin
The National Organization on Disability (NOD)
NOD increases employment opportunities for Americans with disabilities.
Prepare for a disaster
Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities Resources
Emergency resources for People with Disabilities
Be prepared for disasters in San Francisco
Find resources to help you prepare for hazards and natural disasters.
Sign up for neighborhood disaster training
Volunteer for the Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT).
ADA information
Overview of ADA requirements for buildings and facilities
About ADA program compliance
Making sure that programs and services are accessible.
ADA Coordinator Toolkit
Information about training, communication tips, sign language or real-time captioning providers, posters and more.
ADA and disabled access code resources
Guidance, forms, and documents related to ADA and disabled access code.