Tell the City you want to be an Equity Incubator
Help Equity Applicants and apply for a cannabis business permit.
What to know
You must support Equity Applicants with technical help or rent free space for 3 years.
Staffing requirements
You must hire some equity eligible individuals as staff.
What to do
1. Decide if you want to be an equity incubator
Equity Incubators must partner with an Equity Applicant at least one of 2 ways for at least 3 years, by offering:
- Rent free space. You must meet the criteria for onsite or offsite provision of space.
- Technical assistance to help Equity Applicants run their business.
Equity Incubators must also:
- Hire local staff to work at least 30% of business hours
- Have half of their staff meet the conditions for being an Equity Applicant
2. Tell the City you want to be an Equity Incubator
Supporting information
After you register
- Partner with a verified Equity Applicant. Once you register, you can ask for a list of verified Equity Applicants from the Office of Cannabis.
- We will send you an incubator verification number. We will also give you a link to part 1 of the Cannabis Business Permit Application.
- Get ready to apply for a cannabis business permit.
- Apply for a Cannabis Business Permit (part 1).
- Draft your agreement with the Equity Applicant. This agreement must meet all the City’s requirements for incubation.
- Email that agreement to the Office of Cannabis for review.
Get help
Office of Cannabis
officeofcannabis@sfgov.orgPartner agencies
What to know
You must support Equity Applicants with technical help or rent free space for 3 years.
Staffing requirements
You must hire some equity eligible individuals as staff.
What to do
1. Decide if you want to be an equity incubator
Equity Incubators must partner with an Equity Applicant at least one of 2 ways for at least 3 years, by offering:
- Rent free space. You must meet the criteria for onsite or offsite provision of space.
- Technical assistance to help Equity Applicants run their business.
Equity Incubators must also:
- Hire local staff to work at least 30% of business hours
- Have half of their staff meet the conditions for being an Equity Applicant
2. Tell the City you want to be an Equity Incubator
Supporting information
After you register
- Partner with a verified Equity Applicant. Once you register, you can ask for a list of verified Equity Applicants from the Office of Cannabis.
- We will send you an incubator verification number. We will also give you a link to part 1 of the Cannabis Business Permit Application.
- Get ready to apply for a cannabis business permit.
- Apply for a Cannabis Business Permit (part 1).
- Draft your agreement with the Equity Applicant. This agreement must meet all the City’s requirements for incubation.
- Email that agreement to the Office of Cannabis for review.
Get help
Office of Cannabis