San Francisco Park Maintenance Scores
San Francisco Park Maintenance Scores

FY 2024 Annual Report
Read the annual Park Maintenance Evaluation report for Fiscal Year 2024. Read the ReportDashboards
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Citywide Park Scores
Annual Citywide park scores from FY 2015-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Highest and Lowest Scoring Parks
Highest and lowest park scores across the City from FY 2015-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Supervisor Districts
Park scores by Supervisor District from FY 2015-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Equity Zone Parks
Park scores by Equity Zone and Non-Equity Zone from FY 2016-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Park Size
Scores by park size from FY 2015-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Park Types
Scores by park type from FY 2015-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Features
Park feature scores from FY 2015-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Selected Element Scores
Scores for Graffiti and Cleanliness across parks from FY 2022-2024.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Park Lookup Tool
Use this tool to explore scores for an individual park.
Park Maintenance Evaluation: Filter Park Scores by Category
Scores by park category from FY 2015-2024.
The City Charter makes the Controller’s Office responsible for reporting on the maintenance of the City’s Parks. The Controller’s Office works closely with the Recreation and Parks Department to establish clear standards and conduct regular evaluations. This website covers the results from the annual analysis of the maintenance evaluations.