TB reports and publications
Annual Bulletin: Summary of TB in San Francisco
-, Meagan-Leg MPH, Matthew Murrill, MD, PhD MD, MPH, and Susannah Craven, MPH Author Info & Affiliations. "Think, Test. Treat TB" in Action: An Innovative Primary Care and Public Health Partnership to Improve Tuberculosis Prevention and Care. VOL. S NO 8, Published July 17, 2024.
- Janice K Louie Rocio, Agraz-Lara and Gustavo E Velásquez. Experience With Four-Month Rifapentine and Moxifloxacin-Based Tuberculosis Treatment in San Francisco March 2024. Open Forum Infectious Diseases.
- Ryo Miyakawa, Janice Louie, Chris Keh and Lisa Chen. A teenage girl with altered mental status and paraparesis. Journal of Clinical Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Diseases, March 2024.
- Janice K. Louie, Rocio Agraz-Lara, Laura Romo-Timme and Cristy Dieterich. Uniting for Ukraine Tuberculosis Screening Experience, San Francisco, California, USA. August 2023 Emerging Infectious Diseases 29(8):1651-1654. JK Louie, C. Keh. Latent Tuberculosis Infection Treatment: Still a Long Road Ahead. May 2023 Clinical Infectious Diseases 77(RR-1).
- Carlos Hernandez-Castillo, Felicia Chow, Janice Louie, Laura Romo-Timme. Clinical Factors Associated with Poor Outcomes in Patients with Central Nervous System Tuberculosis Treated in San Francisco, CA from 2011 to 2021 (S25.006) April 2023.
- Janice K. Louie, Chris Keh, Rocio Agraz-Lara, Allison Phillips. Adverse Events Associated with Treatment for Pan-Susceptible Tuberculosis in San Francisco. November 2022 Clinical Infectious Diseases 76(6).
- MacDougall C, Canonica T, Keh C, P Phan BA, Louie J. Systematic review of drug-drug interactions between rifamycin and anticoagulant and antiplatelet agents and considerations for management. Pharmacotherapy. 2022 Feb 13. (In press) Doi: 10.1002/phar.2672.
- Louie JK, Agraz-Lara R, Romo L, Crespin F, Chen L, Graves S. Tuberculosis-Associated Hospitalizations and Deaths after COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place, San Francisco, California, USA. Emerg Infect Dis. 2021;27(8):2227-2229.
- Garrett R. Beeler Asay et al. “Cost of Tuberculosis Therapy Directly Observed on Video for Health Departments and Patients in New York City; San Francisco, California; and Rhode Island (2017–2018)”, American Journal of Public Health 110, no. 11 (November 1, 2020): pp. 1696-1703.
- Louie JK, Reid M, Stella J, Agraz-Lara R, Graves S, Chen L, Hopewell P. A decrease in tuberculosis evaluations and diagnoses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2020 Aug 1;24(8):860-862.
Presentations, Posters, and Abstracts
- Li V, Romo L, Agraz-Lara R, Cheung E, Huang M, Lee G, Li-Wong A, Min Naing MK, Louie JK. Characterization of Dementia in Older Patients with Tuberculosis in San Francisco. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting (Virtual Poster Presentation). July 9, 2021.
- Miller T, Agraz-Lara R, Cheung E, Huang M, Min-Naing K, Lee G, Louie JK. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Self-Administered Regimen of 12 Weekly Doses of Isoniazid-Rifapentine (3HP). National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting (Virtual). October 2, 2020.
- Louie JK, Li A, Lowenthal P, Roma L. Characterization of Active Tuberculosis (TB) in New B1-Notification Immigrants in San Francisco. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting (Virtual). October 2, 2020.
- Louie JK, Crespin F, Agraz-Lara R, Keh C. Characterization of Elderly Persons with Active Tuberculosis in San Francisco. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. April 23-26, 2019.
- Louie JK, Lin G, True L. Presentation: A challenging elderly TB case. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. April 23-26, 2019.
- Louie JK, Padmanabhan SP, Agraz-Lara R, Huang M, Min-Naing K, Cheung E, Lee G, Miller T, Keh C. A Revised Algorithm for Screening for Ethambutol-Associated Optic Neuropathy. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA. May 21-24, 2018.
- Louie JK, Agraz-Lara R, Haller B, Negri D, Yoo J, Huang M, Min-Naing K, Cheung E, Lee G, Miller T, Keh C. Challenges in Isoniazid Therapeutic Drug Monitoring. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA. May 21-24, 2018.
- Yoo J, Louie J, Romo L, Keh C. Usefulness of interferon-gamma release assay testing in immigrants with radiographic evidence of old, healed tuberculosis (TB-4). 2018 International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, San Diego, CA. May 18-23, 2018.
- Zhuoga P, Crespin F, Box C, Wolf M, Louie J, Keh C. Investigation of Active Tuberculosis Exposure in Hemodialysis Units: Challenges and Lessons Learned. 51st California TB Controllers Association Conference, Walnut Creek, California. March 6-8, 2017.
- Pubu Zhuoga, MPH; Jose Luis Gonzalez-Morales, MPH; Felix Crespin; Laura Romo-Timme, MPH; Susannah Graves, MD, MPH. TB Characteristics among Food Service Workers (FSWs) in San Francisco. San Francisco Public Health TB Prevention and Control Program, 2024.
- Allison Phillips, Rocio Agraz-Lara, Janice Louie, Michelle Huang, George Lee, Ana Li-Wong, Talibah Miller, Ma Khine Min. Nursing management of patients taking the 4-month short course regimen for active TB. San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2024.
- Allison Phillips, DNP, NP, Rocio Agraz-Lara, MSN, RN, Janice Louie, MD, MPH, Pilot Project: Implementation of a student nurse practitioner latent tuberculosis infection clinical training curriculum. San Francisco Department of Public Health, 2024.
- Jose Luis Gonzalez-Morales, MPH, Cathleen Y. Xing, PhD, MPH, Laura Romo, MPH, Susannah Graves, MD, MPH, Janice K. Louie, MD,MPH, Examining Tuberculosis Incidence Rates and Foreign-Born Populations in San Francisco, 2018 - 2022, 2023.
Public Health Associate Program
- Lupac D, Louie JK, Romo L, Keh C. Characterizing Civil Surgeons in San Francisco, following the release of the 2018 CDC Technical Instructions. CDC Public Health Associate Program: Mid-Program Training, Atlanta, GA. July 15-19, 2019.
- Yalin E, Crespin F, Enanoria W, Louie J, Keh C. Tuberculosis Related Mortality in San Francisco 2012-2019. CDC Public Health Associate Program: Graduation Training, Atlanta, GA. March 19-22, 2019.
- Yalin E, Gomez-Munoz M, Abadilla A, Thigpen J, Crespin F, Keh C. Effectiveness of Social Media as an Outreach Tool in Public Awareness of Tuberculosis: San Francisco World Tuberculosis Day. CDC Public Health Associate Program: Mid-Program Training, Atlanta, GA. June 2018.
- Crespin F. Unsung Hero Award honoring his dedication and distinguished service in the field of TB. NTCA 2023.
- Davis-Jackson S. Andy Lopez Award for Outstanding Allied Health Professional of the year in TB Controll CTCA 2022.
- Keh C, Romo L, Ampie T. Excellence in Program or Policy Evaluation Award. National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention.
- Louie JK. National Society of Tuberculosis Clinicians Travel Award. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. April 23-26, 2019.
- Agraz-Lara R. Carol Pozsik TB Nursing Award. National Tuberculosis Controllers Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. April 23-26, 2019.
- Agraz-Lara R. Brenda Ashkar We DO Whatever It Takes Award. California TB Controllers Association Conference, Palm Springs, CA. May 21-24, 2018.