Make your City construction projects accessible
Includes architectural access review and inspection process for contractors and developers.
Architectural access
Decide if you have a City Project
Learn about what makes a City Project and if you need to submit your project to MOD.
About the ADA Coordinator Review
Understand the architectural access review for your projects in San Francisco.
Get your City project reviewed for accessibility
Follow the steps to get your project reviewed by the Mayor's Office on Disability (MOD).
Get your City project inspected for accessibility
Follow the steps to get your project inspected by the Mayor's Office on Disability (MOD).
Appeal a decision from the access review for your City project
File an appeal if you do not agree with the decisions from the ADA Coordinator or compliance officer.
Design bulletins, informational sheets, and access plan review forms for architectural access
Guidance on accessibility codes and regulations.
Overview of ADA requirements for buildings and facilities
ADA and disabled access code resources
Guidance, forms, and documents related to ADA and disabled access code.