Loan Servicing
Confirmations of Outstanding Loan Balances
Borrowers and their auditors may request Confirmations of Outstanding Loan Balances and other documentation by contacting Ricky Lam at Please allow 5 business days for a reply.
MOHCD Loan Modifications, Consents and Approvals
Borrowers who wish to modify their existing loans from MOHCD or who need our consent or approval for agreements or transactions with other parties must submit a Proposal Review Request Form, the MOHCD Application, which includes a MOHCD Application and any supporting documents required by MOHCD staff. Such modifications include loan extensions, refinancing, subordinations, modifications to affordability restrictions and transfers of ownership. The cost of MOHCD staff and City Attorney staff time spent on the transaction is payable by the Borrower and is recouped through the Proposal Review Fee. For more information on loan modifications or consents and approvals, contact Scott Madden at