Elections Commission Letters
Selection of letters sent on behalf of the San Francisco Elections Commission.
Letter sent to the Mayor regarding a Resolution on Recommendation for Federal Legislation to Require Election Plans by Election Administrators in Each Election Jurisdiction for Federal Elections.
Letter with attachments sent to the California Secretary of State regarding information brought to the Commission's attention about the security of Dominion Voting Systems equipment, in the context of a legal suit filed in the State of Georgia.
Letter sent to Mr. Steven Bennett of Dominion Voting Systems about statements he was quoted by the San Francisco Examiner as making about people in San Francisco and the Elections Commission, and inviting a response.
Letter sent to the Board of Supervisors expressing concern about a pending contract, initiated by the Bay Area Urban Areas Security Initiative (Bay Area UASI) and administered by the City and County of San Francisco, for “Enhanced Election Security – AFN Remote Ballots.”
Letter to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors introducing the Elections Commission's final redistricting report.