TIDA Policies and Public Notices

Read TIDA's policies and public notices. Find information on gifts to TIDA.


Departmental Policies

Office of the City Administrator Policy on Incompatible Activities

This policy supplements the City’s Campaign and Government Conduct Code which addresses government ethics and conflicts of interest. The intent of this policy is to guide officers and employees of the Office of the City Administrator (CAO), including its departments, divisions, and programs about activities that are incompatible with their public duties and are therefore prohibited.

TIDA Bylaws

The fourth amended and restated bylaws of the Treasure Island Development Authority.

TIDA Records Retention and Destruction Policy, Procedures and Schedule

Chapter 8 of the San Francisco Administrative Code requires all departments of the City and County of San Francisco adopt and maintain a Records Retention and Destruction Policy and Schedule.

Small Business Enterprise Procedures - Treasure/Yerba Buena Islands

Creating contracting opportunities for small business professional service firms and construction contractors is an objective of the development of Treasure/Yerba Buena Islands.  These Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Procedures implement the participation goals set forth in the Jobs and Equal Opportunity Program ("Jobs EOP") within the Disposition and Development Agreement.

TIDA Tree Removal Procedures

Describes the categories of trees that require posting ahead of removal, and the length of time posting is required prior to tree removal.

TIDA Collection Management Policy

This policy governs acquisitions and accessions to TIDA's permanent collection, incoming and outgoing loans, collection care, documentation, access to the materials, and deaccession criteria and procedures according to the standards set by the City and the museum profession.

TIDA Policy for Distribution of Tickets and Passes

Under the TIDA Policy for Distribution of Tickets and Passes, the distribution of any tickets and/or passes by TIDA to, or at the behest of, any TIDA official, employee or officer, including officials, employees and officers of the City who perform services for TIDA, shall accomplish one or more of certain defined public purposes.


Gifts to TIDA

There have been no passes, tickets or gifts received by TIDA in the previous four years.

Please contact TIDA to view archival departmental disclosure forms.

Public Notices

None at this time.

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