Documentation – PIT Survey Dashboard
This dashboard analyzes data from the previous 5 PIT surveys (2015-2024). The user can explore data for survey questions in both the general PIT survey and the Youth supplemental survey over time and can disaggregate data by chronicity.
Data Source
Communities receiving federal funding for homelessness services conduct a Point-in-Time (PIT) Count of people experiencing homelessness. The PIT Count is the primary source of nationwide data on homelessness. Following the sheltered and unsheltered count, and in partnership with outreach organizations and peer surveyors, the city and county of San Francisco conducts an in-person interview of sheltered and unsheltered individuals. The survey is developed and adjusted over time with guidance from HUD.
Data from the survey is used to infer the Point-in-Time Count estimates for the unsheltered count, as well as inform city wide homelessness initiatives. For more information about the methodology of this PIT survey see Appendix A of this year’s PIT Research Notes.
Reporting Frequency
This dashboard shows PIT data from the most recent PIT survey as of spring 2024 and will be updated following the next PIT survey in the spring of 2026.
Data Notes
Data can be viewed over time for a specific question. Data in this dashboard extends to the past 5 surveys from 2015 to 2024. The table below shows the number of unique respondents recorded each year.
Year | # of Respondents | # of Youth Respondents |
2015 | 1,027 | 175 |
2017 | 1,104 | 229 |
2019 | 1,054 | 184 |
2022 | 768 | 159 |
2024 | 956 | 157 |
Year over year changes in survey questions can be found in the survey change log.
Data for the following questions regarding the respondent’s household members and demographics of household members were left out of the dashboard due to a low response rate and concerns around anonymity.
- Including yourself, how many adults are in your household who sleep in the same location with you?
- How many children are in your household who sleep in the same location with you?
- How are they related to you?
- How old are they?
- What gender do they identify with?
- What race and/or ethnicity do they identify with?
- If you live with a spouse, a significant other, or parent, do any of the following conditions prevent them from maintaining work or housing?
Data for the following questions were collected as open-ended questions and recoded to fit into defined categories.
- Age data (Question A4) is derived from respondent birthdate and is recoded to the following categories to match HUD reporting recommendations: Age 18-24, Age 25-34, Age 35-44, Age 45-54, Age 55-64, and Age 65+. Prior to 2022, Age data was not collected.
- J1. How many nights, if any, have you spent in jail or prison during the last 12 months. 0 nights, 1-6 nights, 7-30 nights, More than 1 month.
- DY5. How many nights in the past 2 weeks have you stayed in the homes of friends/family? 0 nights, 1-3 nights, 4-7 nights, More than a week.
- EY2. How many times in the past 30 days has your safety been threatened? 0 times, 1-5 times 6-10 times, More than 10 times.
In 2024, two new questions were added to the survey to better inform the city about the needs of its constituents.
- D1. Are you interested in emergency shelter? (only asked to people who did not report sleeping in an emergency shelter or transitional housing).
- K4. Have you had any of the following engagements with the homeless response system? (Shade all that apply)
In 2024 11 questions were removed from the survey to align with HUD methodology and to shorten the survey length.
- What ethnicity do you identify with?
- Have you been living in an emergency shelter and/or on the streets (including bus stations, underpasses, encampments, abandoned buildings, etc.) for the past year (12 months) or more?
- How many people, including yourself, usually stay there? (Follow up to where are you sleeping tonight)
- What is your discharge status? (asked to veteran respondents)
- What is keeping you from getting permanent housing?
- What is your total monthly income from all sources?
- Do you experience any of the following?
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- A traumatic brain injury to your brain from a bump, blow or wound to the head?
- How many people, including yourself, usually stay there? (Follow up to where are you sleeping tonight)
- Do you receive any disability benefits such as Social Security Disability Income, or Veterans Disability Benefits?
- Where do you usually get medical care?
Key Terms and Acronyms
Comprehensive definitions terms in this dashboard can be found in Appendix B of the HIC and PIT data collection notice. See Appendix C of the 2024 HIC and PIT data collection notice for more information about this year’s reporting requirements.
Key terms for this dashboard include:
Chronically Homeless: A person who:
- Is homeless and lives in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter; (question C1) and
- Has been homeless and living or residing in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter continuously for at least 1 year (question D3) or on at least four separate occasions in the last 3 years where the combined length of time homeless in those occasions is at least 12 months (question D5 and D6); and
- Has a disability (question H0).
H0: Disabling Condition: An individual with one or more of the following conditions:
- A physical, mental, or emotional impairment, including an impairment caused by alcohol or drug abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, or brain injury that:
- Is expected to be long-continuing or of indefinite duration;
- Substantially impedes the individual's ability to live independently; and
- Could be improved by the provision of more suitable housing conditions.
- See corresponding questions H1 and H2 a, b, c and d.
- A developmental disability, as defined in section 102 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 15002); or
- See question H1f.
- The disease of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any condition arising from the etiologic agency for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- See question H1e.
A5. LGBTQ+: An individual that has at least one of the following gender identities of sexual orientation(s):
- A gender that is not Man (Boy if child) or Woman (Girl if child) (question A1) or
- A sexual orientation that is not Straight (question A3).
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- For technical issues related to this dashboard, contact