Gender and management class (MCCP)

Visualization showing gender and management class (MCCP)

MCCP refers to people who work as managers in the City and County of San Francisco who are covered under the Management Classification And Compensation Plan. To change the view, go to the the drop-down menu under "MCCP Class." Select the "All" category to check and uncheck the full list. Go to data visualization

Things to note

Deputy director and department head MCCP classes have been de-identified, since the disclosure of this data may reveal an individual's identity and thus disclose personal information such as race or ethnicity, age, or gender.

In these cases, the data is supplied in aggregate form.

Included in the “095X – Dep Director” option for the race and ethnicity, age, or gender breakdown is data from the following MCCP classes:

  • 0951: Deputy Director I
  • 0952: Deputy Director II
  • 0953: Deputy Director III
  • 0954: Deputy Director IV
  • 0955: Deputy Director V

Included in the “096X – Dept Head” option for the race and ethnicity, age, or gender breakdown is data from the following MCCP classes:

  • 0961: Department Head I
  • 0962: Department Head II
  • 0963: Department Head III
  • 0964: Department Head IV
  • 0965: Department Head V

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