Candidates - November 3, 2026, General Election

Board of Supervisors Chinese-character-based Names and Ballot Designations List - to be posted after the close of the Nomination Period

Other Local Offices Chinese-character-based Names and Ballot Designations List - to be posted after the close of the Nomination Period

Qualified Candidates with Contact information - to be posted after the close of the Nomination Period

Candidates are listed as “pending” until they have completed, and filed, all nomination documents and have paid the filing fee, if applicable. Once these documents are filed and the filing fee has been paid, the qualification status is changed to “qualified”. Candidate lists become final after the nomination deadline for each office.

This list was last updated on 2/3/2024.

State Assembly, District 17
NameParty Affiliation
State Assembly, District 19
NameParty Affiliation

0 people have for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

NameParty Affiliation

0 people have for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Public Defender
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

1 person has filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Board of Supervisors, District 2
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

Ratanapakdee, Monthanus



0 people have filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Board of Supervisors, District 4
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

0 people have filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Board of Supervisors, District 6
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

0 people have filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Board of Supervisors, District 8
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

2 people have filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Board of Supervisors, District 10
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

Bastiany, Pearci Fitzgerald Randy, III



Linn, Mike



0 people have filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Board of Education, 3 seats
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

0 people have filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Community College Board, 3 seats
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

0 people have filed for candidacy for this contest on the November 3, 2026 ballot.

BART Board, District 8
NameDeclaration of Candidacy Filed Ballot Qualified Date

0 people have for write-in candidacy for the November 3, 2026 ballot.

Write-In Candidates
NameContest Declaration of Candidacy Filed Qualified Date

Contact Us

Department of Elections
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 48
San Francisco, CA 94102
Get directions

Fax: 415-554-7344
TTY: 415-554-4386
中文: 415-554-4367
Español: 415-554-4366
Filipino: 415-554-4310
