Bulletin 2022-04: MCD Standardization Guidelines
Pursuant to Section 3322(d)(7) et seq. of the San Francisco Health Code, a Medical Cannabis Dispensary (MCD) must demonstrate good faith compliance with its Equity Plan in order to renew their adult use authorization.
Equity Plans and related Progress Reports are submitted to, and reviewed by, the Office of Cannabis (OOC). The OOC works in collaboration with the Department of Public Health (DPH), the permitting authority for MCDs, regarding adult use authorization.
The OOC issues this bulletin to clarify Equity Plan Progress Report requirements.
Report Requirements
To demonstrate good faith compliance with its Equity Plan, an MCD must explain in writing and with documentation, how it supported activities to further each of the following:
- San Francisco’s broader equity goals
- Equity Applicants in business development
- A more equitable workforce
Timeline requirements
MCDs must submit a complete Report at least seven (7) business days prior to the expiration of its Adult Use authorization. Providing incomplete or late reports may result in the expiration of the MCD’s adult use authorization.
Activities and Supporting Documentation
Equity Plans are listed on the OOC’s website. Examples of allowable activities include, but are not limited to:
- donations to community organizations
- purchasing equity products
- providing equity applicants with technical assistance
- job training
In order to prove good faith compliance with an MCD equity plan, supporting documentation must clearly detail:
- Who provided goods or services?
- Who received the goods or services?
- What goods or services were provided?
- What was the approximate value of the goods or services provided?
- When were the goods or services provided?
- What was the objective of the activity?
Additionally, in most situations the OOC will need written confirmation and active contact information for the recipient of the goods or services.
Documentation that does not include all of the elements above will not be accepted.
The OOC will maintain an updated list of acceptable documentation and guidelines for common activates at the following link.