Michael Nimer

Administrative Permit Analyst

Office of Cannabis
CCSF City Seal 2019

Born in San Francisco and raised in San Mateo County, Michael majored in Political Science at the University of San Diego. Following undergrad, he worked in a series of diverse roles as a field organizer on a senate campaign in Nevada, teaching high school English in Thailand, and managing a nonprofit platform designed to engage high school students in community service in San Diego.

Subsequently, Michael returned to school to complete his Master of Public Policy from the University of Southern California (USC) on a Dean’s Merit Fellowship. While at USC, Michael worked as a research associate for the Center for Economic Development and focused his studies on criminal justice and drug policy. As a student consultant for the Government Accountability Office, he co-authored an extensive report analyzing state prison responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Michael resides in Fisherman Wharf’s with his fiancé and dog McLovin, who’s unidentifiable breed serves as the ultimate Rorschach test for canine geneticists.  

Contact Michael Nimer

Contact Office of Cannabis


Office of Cannabis49 South Van Ness Suite 660
San Francisco, CA 94103
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