Mark Hogains


Production Manager | Film SF

Film SF
Profile photo of Mark Hogains

Mark has worked with OEWD for about six years under the Workforce Development Division. He supported teams with staff get togethers, tech and operational solutions, marketing, communications, and process development. Many of you may know of him, and of his work through the internal SharePoint intranet sites; others will know Mark because he took you on a tour during your first day of orientation. Prior to joining OEWD through the PST program, Mark worked with not-for-profits in event planning, fundraising, grants, program, and financial management. He has lived abroad multiple times for study, or to work federal government initiatives as an English Language Assistant in France and Peace Corps Volunteer in Uganda.

Mark moved to San Francisco in the Mission neighborhood in 2007, but only after three friends presented him with a job, a rent controlled “Harry Potter” style room, and endless scenarios for adventure. Mark is a Southern California native, hailing from the great San Fernando Valley and Mojave Desert regions. He completed dual BA degrees from USC in Political Science and French, and dual degrees in MBA Nonprofit Management and MA Sustainable International Development from Brandeis University. Mark met and married Jason in San Francisco where they have been happily together for some 14 good years with their kiddy kitties.

Contact Mark Hogains

Contact Film SF


Film CommissionCity Hall
1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Pl
Room 473
San Francisco, CA 94102

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