Jessy Ruiz

Jessy Ruiz is the middle child of seven siblings. She is originally from Michoacan, Mexico and immigrated to the United States in 1996 to flee the violence in her country and particularly her state due to drug cartels. When she arrived in North Carolina, she thought that everything would be different. Unfortunately, she found North Carolina to be one of the most transphobic regions of the United States and experienced the same discrimination. Jessy is a transgender woman who has faced discrimination due to her sexual orientation and gender identity throughout her life, but this has not stopped her from wanting to achieve her dreams. That is why in 2016 she decided to embark on a new journey and move to San Francisco with the hope of being able to live as the woman she always dreamed to be. After many sacrifices and obstacles, she achieved one of her biggest dreams, changing her name as a first step to a new life. That same year, she arrived at the doors of the organization El / La Translatinas, which supported her in whatever ways they could. In 2018, Jessy was crowned Miss El / La 2018. She has provided support to the trans community by volunteering for the organization. She also has participated in the organization’s self-improvement workshops and other opportunities in order to grow as a person and continue her education, because she did not go to school in her home country. Thanks to the support of the El / La program, Jessy Ruiz is now a member of the San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission.
Contact Immigrant Rights Commission
San Francisco, CA 94103