MAYOR’S DISABILITY COUNCIL (MDC) Agenda, June 21, 2024, 1 pm - 4 pm
Meeting details
Date and time
How to participate
Room 400
San Francisco, CA 94102
Regular Meetings - Third Friday of every other month
Mayor’s Disability Council SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR’S DISABILITY COUNCIL (MDC) NOTICE OF MEETING AND CALENDAR Friday, June 21, 2024 1 P.M. – 4 P.M. Room 400, City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place This meeting is hybrid (in-person and virtual) MAYOR’S DISABILITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Alex Madrid, Co-Chair Sheri Albers, Co-Chair Orkid Sassouni Denise Senhaux Patricia Arack Staff to the Council: San Francisco Mayor’s Office on Disability (MOD) Jennifer Johnston, Interim Director Meeting Participation Instructions Note that additional accessibility information for this meeting can be found following the Order of Business How to Watch and Participate in an MDC Meeting Accessibility of meetings is very important to us. There are multiple ways to watch and participate in an MDC Meeting. Join us In Person You are welcome to come to the meeting in person at City Hall, Room 400. The space is wheelchair accessible, and Sign Language Interpretation will be provided. Cable TV You can watch the cable cast of the meeting on your television by going to public access Channel 78 (Comcast), Channel 28 (Astound) or Channel 99 (AT&T). Live Stream on SFGov.TV You can watch a live stream on your computer or other device: • Go to SFGov.TV • Then click on “Watch” near the top of the page. • Then click on “Watch SFGovTV”. You will find a dark square area with an arrow in the middle. Click on the arrow to watch the meeting live. WebEx Webinar Hybrid MDC meetings are held using Webex Webinar. As an alternative to watching on cable TV or SFGov.TV, members of the public can observe the meeting and provide public comment with a computer, tablet or smartphone by following this WebEx link: Webinar number: 2661 586 8238 Webinar Password: join You can also join the webinar by phone: Dial in: 415-655-0001 Access Code: 2664 975 6460 Making Public Comments at an MDC Meeting We welcome the public’s participation during public comment periods. There will be two opportunities for General Public Comment during the meeting, and time for item-specific public comment after DISCUSSION items. Each comment is limited to 3 minutes, unless the Co-Chair determines that, in the interest of time, comments will be limited to a shorter time when there is a large number of public comments. For each public comment period, people with disabilities who wish to make public comments and who are comfortable identifying themselves as a person with a disability are invited to comment first. After these comments conclude, others will be invited to comment. The Brown Act forbids the Council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. If you would like the Council to respond to your comments following the meeting, please provide your contact information by email message to with the subject “MDC comment reply request,” or call 415-554-0670. Join the Webex Webinar By joining the MDC meeting as a webinar participant, members of the public will be able to make public comment directly during the public comment periods. To join the webinar with a computer, laptop or other device: Link to join Webinar: Webinar number: 2661 586 8238 Webinar password: join To join the webinar using a telephone: Dial in: 415-655-0001 Access Code: 2661 586 8238 Making a public comment on Webex If you join the webinar using your tablet or smartphone Webex app, click on the three horizontal dots icon and then click on “Raise Hand.” The clerk will recognize you when it is your turn. You may also use the Q&A feature in WebEx webinar to make a comment. It is located on the top part of the video after touching the screen. If you are using a desktop or laptop computer, “Raise Hand” and Q&A icons are located at the bottom of the video screen. If you join by phone, dial *3 to indicate you would like to make a comment. The clerk will prompt you when it’s your turn. We welcome suggestions about how to make the MDC meetings more accessible. Please send an email to, or call 415-554-0670. If you need assistance accessing the meeting, please call 415-554-0670 or send an email to
ACTION ITEM: Reading and Approval of the Agenda
At this time, members of the public may address the Council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council which are not on today’s meeting agenda. Each member of the public may address the Council for up to three minutes, unless the Co-Chair determines that, in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large number of public comments.
With respect to today’s item-specific DISCUSSION items, your opportunity to address the Council will be afforded at the conclusion of each DISCUSSION ITEM, before Council discussion begins.
A reminder that the Brown Act forbids the Council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. If you would like a response from the Council, please provide your contact information by email message to with the subject “MDC comment reply request,” or call 415-554-0670.
INFORMATION ITEM: Report from the Mayor’s Office on Disability
Please note that the Director’s Reports to the MDC can be found in the resources section of MOD’s website at
DISCUSSION ITEM: Integrating Disability, Access, and Functional Needs into the City’s Emergency Planning
Presented by Andrea Jorgensen, City and County of San Francisco, Department of Emergency Management, Division of Emergency Services
[Public Comment Is Welcome]
[Council Member questions, followed by questions from the Mayor’s Office on Disability, to commence after public comment.]
[BREAK: The Council will take a 15-minute break]
DISCUSSION ITEM: Next Steps in Implementation of Electric Wheelchair Charging Stations Report
Presented by Deborah Kaplan, City and County of San Francisco, Mayor’s Office on Disability
[Public Comment Is Welcome]
[Council Member questions, followed by questions from the Mayor’s Office on Disability, to commence after public comment.]
INFORMATION ITEM: Correspondence
At this time, members of the public may address the Council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council which are not on today’s meeting agenda. Each member of the public may address the Council for up to three minutes, unless the Co-Chair determines that, in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large number of public comments.
A reminder that the Brown Act forbids the Council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. If you would like a response from the Council, please provide your contact information by email message to with the subject “MDC comment reply request,” or call 415-554-0670.
INFORMATION ITEM: Council Member comments and announcements
Meeting resources
Accordion item
Hearing Room 400 in San Francisco City Hall is wheelchair accessible. This meeting will be broadcast and captioned on SFGovTV. Remote public participation is available for people with disabilities, as well as all members of the public. Instructions for how to join the meeting remotely are included at the beginning of this agenda.
To access this meeting remotely: (Webinar number: 2661 586 8238, Webinar password: join) or call 415-655-0001 (Access code: 2661 586 8238).
If requesting remote Sign Language Interpretation, please submit an accommodation request a minimum of 4 business hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Allowing a minimum of 48 business hours for all other accommodation requests (for example, in-person Sign Language interpretation, assistive listening devices, materials in alternative formats ) helps ensure availability.
Allowing a minimum of 48 business hours for all other accommodation requests (for example, in-person Sign Language interpretation, assistive listening devices, materials in alternative formats) helps ensure availability.
To request accommodation, please contact John Koste at or by calling 415-554-0670.
Per the Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 of the San Francisco Administrative Code), Chinese, Spanish and or Filipino (Tagalog) interpreters will be available upon request. Assistance in additional languages may be honored whenever possible. To request assistance with these services please contact the Council Clerk at (415) 554-0670 or at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Late requests will be fulfilled if possible.
Chinese 語言服務
根據語言服務條例(三藩市行政法典第91章),中文、西班牙語和/或菲律賓語(泰加洛語)傳譯人員在收到要求後將會提供傳譯服務。其他語言協助在可能的情況下也將可提供。上述的要求,請於會議前最少48小時致電 (415) 554-0670或電郵至 mod@sfgov.org向會議秘書 Lihmeei Leu 提出。逾期提出的請求,若可能的話,亦會被考慮接納。
De acuerdo con la Ordenanza de Acceso a Idiomas (Capítulo 91 del Código Administrativo de San Francisco), habrá intérpretes de Chino, Español y/o Filipino (Tagalo) disponibles de ser requeridos. La asistencia en otros idiomas será tomada en consideración siempre y cuando sea posible. Para solicitar asistencia con estos servicios por favor comuníquese con el Secretario del Concilio Lihmeei Leu al (415) 554-0670, o por lo menos 48 horas antes de la reunión. Las solicitudes tardías serán tomadas en consideración de ser posible.
Ayon sa Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 ng San Francisco Administrative Code), maaaring mag-request ng mga tagapagsalin sa wikang Tsino, Espanyol, at/o Filipino (Tagalog). Maaaring humingi ng tulong sa ibang wika. Sa mga ganitong uri na kahilingan, mangyaring tumawag sa Council Clerk Lihmeei Leu sa (415) 554-0670, o sa hindi bababa sa 48 oras bago ng pagpupulong. Kung maaari, ang mga late na hiling ay pagbibigyan.
Mayor’s Disability Council Accessible Documents Policy
Please note that no materials may be distributed for consideration or review by Council Members at a meeting, unless these materials have been provided to MOD Staff in electronic format at least two days (and preferably four days) prior to the meeting. For further information, please call or contact the Mayor’s Office on Disability at (415) 554-0670, Voice or email
For any individuals who are unable to use the telephone for making public comment, please fill out an online form with your comment. It will be read aloud during the public comment segment of the Council meeting.
Meeting details
Date and time
How to participate
Room 400
San Francisco, CA 94102
Regular Meetings - Third Friday of every other month
Mayor’s Disability Council SAN FRANCISCO MAYOR’S DISABILITY COUNCIL (MDC) NOTICE OF MEETING AND CALENDAR Friday, June 21, 2024 1 P.M. – 4 P.M. Room 400, City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place This meeting is hybrid (in-person and virtual) MAYOR’S DISABILITY COUNCIL MEMBERS Alex Madrid, Co-Chair Sheri Albers, Co-Chair Orkid Sassouni Denise Senhaux Patricia Arack Staff to the Council: San Francisco Mayor’s Office on Disability (MOD) Jennifer Johnston, Interim Director Meeting Participation Instructions Note that additional accessibility information for this meeting can be found following the Order of Business How to Watch and Participate in an MDC Meeting Accessibility of meetings is very important to us. There are multiple ways to watch and participate in an MDC Meeting. Join us In Person You are welcome to come to the meeting in person at City Hall, Room 400. The space is wheelchair accessible, and Sign Language Interpretation will be provided. Cable TV You can watch the cable cast of the meeting on your television by going to public access Channel 78 (Comcast), Channel 28 (Astound) or Channel 99 (AT&T). Live Stream on SFGov.TV You can watch a live stream on your computer or other device: • Go to SFGov.TV • Then click on “Watch” near the top of the page. • Then click on “Watch SFGovTV”. You will find a dark square area with an arrow in the middle. Click on the arrow to watch the meeting live. WebEx Webinar Hybrid MDC meetings are held using Webex Webinar. As an alternative to watching on cable TV or SFGov.TV, members of the public can observe the meeting and provide public comment with a computer, tablet or smartphone by following this WebEx link: Webinar number: 2661 586 8238 Webinar Password: join You can also join the webinar by phone: Dial in: 415-655-0001 Access Code: 2664 975 6460 Making Public Comments at an MDC Meeting We welcome the public’s participation during public comment periods. There will be two opportunities for General Public Comment during the meeting, and time for item-specific public comment after DISCUSSION items. Each comment is limited to 3 minutes, unless the Co-Chair determines that, in the interest of time, comments will be limited to a shorter time when there is a large number of public comments. For each public comment period, people with disabilities who wish to make public comments and who are comfortable identifying themselves as a person with a disability are invited to comment first. After these comments conclude, others will be invited to comment. The Brown Act forbids the Council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. If you would like the Council to respond to your comments following the meeting, please provide your contact information by email message to with the subject “MDC comment reply request,” or call 415-554-0670. Join the Webex Webinar By joining the MDC meeting as a webinar participant, members of the public will be able to make public comment directly during the public comment periods. To join the webinar with a computer, laptop or other device: Link to join Webinar: Webinar number: 2661 586 8238 Webinar password: join To join the webinar using a telephone: Dial in: 415-655-0001 Access Code: 2661 586 8238 Making a public comment on Webex If you join the webinar using your tablet or smartphone Webex app, click on the three horizontal dots icon and then click on “Raise Hand.” The clerk will recognize you when it is your turn. You may also use the Q&A feature in WebEx webinar to make a comment. It is located on the top part of the video after touching the screen. If you are using a desktop or laptop computer, “Raise Hand” and Q&A icons are located at the bottom of the video screen. If you join by phone, dial *3 to indicate you would like to make a comment. The clerk will prompt you when it’s your turn. We welcome suggestions about how to make the MDC meetings more accessible. Please send an email to, or call 415-554-0670. If you need assistance accessing the meeting, please call 415-554-0670 or send an email to
ACTION ITEM: Reading and Approval of the Agenda
At this time, members of the public may address the Council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council which are not on today’s meeting agenda. Each member of the public may address the Council for up to three minutes, unless the Co-Chair determines that, in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large number of public comments.
With respect to today’s item-specific DISCUSSION items, your opportunity to address the Council will be afforded at the conclusion of each DISCUSSION ITEM, before Council discussion begins.
A reminder that the Brown Act forbids the Council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. If you would like a response from the Council, please provide your contact information by email message to with the subject “MDC comment reply request,” or call 415-554-0670.
INFORMATION ITEM: Report from the Mayor’s Office on Disability
Please note that the Director’s Reports to the MDC can be found in the resources section of MOD’s website at
DISCUSSION ITEM: Integrating Disability, Access, and Functional Needs into the City’s Emergency Planning
Presented by Andrea Jorgensen, City and County of San Francisco, Department of Emergency Management, Division of Emergency Services
[Public Comment Is Welcome]
[Council Member questions, followed by questions from the Mayor’s Office on Disability, to commence after public comment.]
[BREAK: The Council will take a 15-minute break]
DISCUSSION ITEM: Next Steps in Implementation of Electric Wheelchair Charging Stations Report
Presented by Deborah Kaplan, City and County of San Francisco, Mayor’s Office on Disability
[Public Comment Is Welcome]
[Council Member questions, followed by questions from the Mayor’s Office on Disability, to commence after public comment.]
INFORMATION ITEM: Correspondence
At this time, members of the public may address the Council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council which are not on today’s meeting agenda. Each member of the public may address the Council for up to three minutes, unless the Co-Chair determines that, in the interest of time, comments may be limited to a shorter time when there are a large number of public comments.
A reminder that the Brown Act forbids the Council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. If you would like a response from the Council, please provide your contact information by email message to with the subject “MDC comment reply request,” or call 415-554-0670.
INFORMATION ITEM: Council Member comments and announcements
Meeting resources
Accordion item
Hearing Room 400 in San Francisco City Hall is wheelchair accessible. This meeting will be broadcast and captioned on SFGovTV. Remote public participation is available for people with disabilities, as well as all members of the public. Instructions for how to join the meeting remotely are included at the beginning of this agenda.
To access this meeting remotely: (Webinar number: 2661 586 8238, Webinar password: join) or call 415-655-0001 (Access code: 2661 586 8238).
If requesting remote Sign Language Interpretation, please submit an accommodation request a minimum of 4 business hours prior to the start of the meeting.
Allowing a minimum of 48 business hours for all other accommodation requests (for example, in-person Sign Language interpretation, assistive listening devices, materials in alternative formats ) helps ensure availability.
Allowing a minimum of 48 business hours for all other accommodation requests (for example, in-person Sign Language interpretation, assistive listening devices, materials in alternative formats) helps ensure availability.
To request accommodation, please contact John Koste at or by calling 415-554-0670.
Per the Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 of the San Francisco Administrative Code), Chinese, Spanish and or Filipino (Tagalog) interpreters will be available upon request. Assistance in additional languages may be honored whenever possible. To request assistance with these services please contact the Council Clerk at (415) 554-0670 or at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Late requests will be fulfilled if possible.
Chinese 語言服務
根據語言服務條例(三藩市行政法典第91章),中文、西班牙語和/或菲律賓語(泰加洛語)傳譯人員在收到要求後將會提供傳譯服務。其他語言協助在可能的情況下也將可提供。上述的要求,請於會議前最少48小時致電 (415) 554-0670或電郵至 mod@sfgov.org向會議秘書 Lihmeei Leu 提出。逾期提出的請求,若可能的話,亦會被考慮接納。
De acuerdo con la Ordenanza de Acceso a Idiomas (Capítulo 91 del Código Administrativo de San Francisco), habrá intérpretes de Chino, Español y/o Filipino (Tagalo) disponibles de ser requeridos. La asistencia en otros idiomas será tomada en consideración siempre y cuando sea posible. Para solicitar asistencia con estos servicios por favor comuníquese con el Secretario del Concilio Lihmeei Leu al (415) 554-0670, o por lo menos 48 horas antes de la reunión. Las solicitudes tardías serán tomadas en consideración de ser posible.
Ayon sa Language Access Ordinance (Chapter 91 ng San Francisco Administrative Code), maaaring mag-request ng mga tagapagsalin sa wikang Tsino, Espanyol, at/o Filipino (Tagalog). Maaaring humingi ng tulong sa ibang wika. Sa mga ganitong uri na kahilingan, mangyaring tumawag sa Council Clerk Lihmeei Leu sa (415) 554-0670, o sa hindi bababa sa 48 oras bago ng pagpupulong. Kung maaari, ang mga late na hiling ay pagbibigyan.
Mayor’s Disability Council Accessible Documents Policy
Please note that no materials may be distributed for consideration or review by Council Members at a meeting, unless these materials have been provided to MOD Staff in electronic format at least two days (and preferably four days) prior to the meeting. For further information, please call or contact the Mayor’s Office on Disability at (415) 554-0670, Voice or email
For any individuals who are unable to use the telephone for making public comment, please fill out an online form with your comment. It will be read aloud during the public comment segment of the Council meeting.