DPA Budget Presentation

Meeting details

Date and time


How to participate


Police CommissionCity Hall
1 Dr Carlton B. Goodlett Place
Room 400
San Francisco, CA 94102
Get directions

With the return to in-person meetings and the end of the City and State’s public emergency orders, there will be no remote public comment, except for disability accommodations.


We invite you to attend the SF Police Commission where we will discuss the budget proposal of the Department of Police Accountability (DPA) for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025. We highly value your input and insights in shaping our financial plans to meet the needs of our community. We will provide you with an overview of our proposed budget priorities and initiatives, and then you will have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.

Meeting resources

Related documents

DPA Budget Proposal FY 24 -25

DPA Budget Proposal FY 24-25