Restaurant health inspection posters and what they mean
Food facilities must post the red, green, or yellow "placard" related to their last health inspection.
What the signs mean
To check the food safety at San Francisco restaurants, look for green, yellow, or red placards. The restaurant must post the placard where the public can see it.
Green: Pass
The facility had zero to 1 major violations observed at time of inspection. If the restaurant had a major violation, it was corrected at the time of the inspection.
Yellow: Conditional pass
The facility had 2 or more major violations observed at the time of the routine inspection. At the time of the inspection, the restaurant corrected the major violations.
We will conduct a re-inspection and issue a new placard based on the results.
Red: Closed
We closed the facility because there are health hazards or major violations that can't be fixed right away.
The unsafe conditions must be corrected before the facility can reopen.