Gifts, Conflicts, and Outside Activities and Employment
DPH and the City have certain rules on when it is allowable to accept a gift and when to remove yourself from decisions that may personally benefit you.
On this page you can:
Understand your responsibilities under the Code of Conduct and ethics rules.
Find out what to do if you have or think you may have a conflict of interest.
Find out what a gift is and when you can accept one.
Find out how to get approval for an outside activity or secondary job.
Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest Rules
Code of Conduct
- The Code of Conduct provides direction to all DPH employees, contractors and other agents who do business with or on behalf of DPH. All employees are expected to be familiar with the federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations, or policies that apply to their duties.
Conflicts of Interest
- The San Francisco Ethics Commission oversees the City’s regulations related to conflicts of interests, gifts, and activities that may be incompatible with your City duties. OCPA can provide guidance on the City’s Ethics rules, but DPH staff are encouraged to contact the Ethics Commission for official guidance.
What is a Conflict of Interest and What to do
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal interests – family, friendships, or financial – could compromise the person’s judgment, decisions, or actions in the workplace.
Employee Responsibilities
DPH employees have certain responsibilities to ensure that any real or perceived conflict of interest is avoided and disclosed.
- DPH employees are prohibited from participating in the contracting process for any DPH contractor or bidder in which the DPH employee has a personal, professional, or financial interest. DPH employees must disclose the relationship and recuse themselves from the contracting process.
- DPH employees are prohibited from making any decision (financial or otherwise) on behalf of DPH for any DPH contractor or bidder in which the DPH employee has a personal, professional, or financial interest. DPH employees must disclose the relationship and recuse themselves from the contracting process.
If you need additional guidance on conflicts of interest, you can contact your division’s Compliance Officer or the San Francisco Ethics Commission.
What is a gift?
- A “gift” is any item, payment, or other benefit that you receive without providing payment or services of equal or greater value.
When is a DPH employee NOT ALLOWED to accept gifts?
- DPH employeed CANNOT accept a gift from a "restricted source." This is anyone who is "doing business" with DPH, such as contractors, vendors, or someone seeking to contract with DPH.
- DPH employees CANNOT accept food and/or drinks, even to be shared, from any restricted source.
- DPH employees CANNOT accept a gift or “tip” from anyone for performing their job. DPH employees are never allowed to accept gifts from patients or their families for doing their job. DPH employees are never allowed to ask for gifts or gratuities from any individual.
- DPH supervisors/managers CANNOT accept gifts from any direct reports or subordinates.
- DPH employees are never permitted to ask for or accept any gift from any job applicants, or contactors or entities seeking to contract with DPH.
When is a DPH employee PERMITTED to accept gifts?
There are several exceptions to the gift rules that allow for items or food to be exchanged.
- An annual holiday office gift exchange (such as a “white elephant” gift exchange) is allowed only if everyone participates, and the gifts are all of equal nominal value. Supervisors may participate is such exchanges. Cash is not permitted, but gift cards are allowed.
- DPH employees may bring in food and/or drink that is to be shared in the office among all employees.
These are general gift rules, and this is not an exhaustive list. DPH employees are encouraged to contact OCPA or the San Francisco Ethics Commission for specific guidance on gift rules.
Outside Activities and Secondary Employment
Outside Activities
- The DPH Statement of Incompatible Activities (SIA) outlines what activities are considered “incompatible” with your City duties. These activities can include those that conflict with official duties, have excessive time demands, or are subject to the review of the department.
- Before starting any outside activity, you should review the SIA and determine if you need to submit an Advanced Written Determination (AWD). An approved AWD may be necessary to protect you from sanctions by engaging in an activity that conflicts with your official City duties.
- At DPH, AWDs should be submitted to your supervisor and division director.
Secondary Employment
- All DPH employees are required to submit an Additional Employment Request (AER) form prior to starting any outside job.
- AER forms will be reviewed to determine if there is any conflict that exists between your City employment and the outside employment.
- DPH employees that do not submit the AER form prior to engaging in secondary employment may be subject to discipline.
If you have any questions, please contact the DPH HR Admin Team at