Film SF
We champion filming in San Francisco to support a diversity of storytellers and our thriving production community.


Film SF
We champion filming in San Francisco to support a diversity of storytellers and our thriving production community.

Additional film services
Reserve parking for your film production
Request parking for your production vehicles, picture vehicles, or to clear for picture.
Notify locals about your film shoot
Distribute film notices to let residents and businesses know that there will be filming.
Use a drone for your film shoot
Permits are required to shoot with a drone on, from, within, and over City of San Francisco streets.

The San Francisco Film Commission Film Space (SFFCFS) grant
The San Francisco Film Commission Film Space (SFFCFS) grant provides financial help to nonprofits.Learn more and applyResources
For the public
Film and Media Landscape Database
Read about the incredible array of film and media organizations and services offered across all nine Bay Area counties.
Movies and TV shows shot in San Francisco
If you get a filming notice or survey at your home or business
What to do if you see a notice or survey posted on your building.
Market your property as a film location
List your home or business as a potential location for film productions.
SF Bay Area film festivals
For filmmakers and productions
Popular film locations in SF
Financial incentives
Rebates, tax relief, and savings programs for filming and film locations.
Fees to film in San Francisco
Green filming
Safety tips while filming in SF
Suggestions for productions while shooting in the city.
Film SF resources
Optional links for reference as you plan your film shoot.
Film SF and the San Francisco Film Commission champion filming in San Francisco. We are a City agency that strives to attract a diversity of storytellers to the cinematic city of San Francisco and foster filming in order to stimulate economic development, create jobs and share the beauty of our city with the rest of the world.
Learn more about usPartner agencies
Meet the team
Contact information
Film CommissionCity Hall
1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Pl
Room 473
San Francisco, CA 94102
1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Pl
Room 473
San Francisco, CA 94102