About the DataSF

Our mission

To empower the use of data in decision making and service delivery.

Who we are

Cody Xuereb, Analytics Strategist

Tania Jogesh, Senior Data Scientist

Dan Tonkovich, Data Program Manager

Helen McLendon, Senior Analytics Engineer

Tenley Ludwig, Senior Analytics Engineer

Matthew Smith, Analytics Engineer

Who we are thankful for

Data coordinators

Our data coordinators are responsible for coordinating the implementation of the open data work in their departments. Without their department knowledge and help, SF OpenData would not be possible.

Department of Technology

The Department of Technology supports us in developing and maintaining data pipelines for open data sharing and as partners on data architecture and infrastructure. A special acknowledgement to SFGIS within the department. SFGIS staff have been long-standing partners and champions for open data, providing support and expertise on automating data pipelines among other things.

Controller’s Citywide Services Auditor (CSA)

We’ve partnered with the performance team in CSA on a variety of projects, including the Data Academy, Stat program research, and internal data sharing.

Previous team members

Our work would not be possible without the previous staff and interns who have shaped DataSF and moved our projects forward.