CCHP's logo. A drawing of five circles each with four children standing on a greenish round ground, each with diffract bright colored sun shining above them, each with different colored background.

Child Care Health Program (CCHP)

We serve children ages 0-5 years old in San Francisco preschools, family child care homes, and family resource centers, along with their families and providers.

Children at dental circle time

Child Care Health Program (CCHP)

We're here to help child care providers and families in San Francisco neighborhoods with health, safety advice, checkups, training, and getting ready for emergencies.


Helpful Resources


Our main goals are to make sure San Francisco children are healthy and safe.

We do this by connecting childcare providers with health resources in a strong and teamwork-focused way, using a complete and well-organized system.

Learn more about us

CCHP Public Health Nurses

Charge NurseElenita (Ellen) C SilvaPublic Health Nurse (PHN) - MSN, RN, CIC(Tagalog)
Charge NurseXin (Katie) LiuPublic Health Nurse (PHN) - BSN, RN(Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Shanghainese)
Stacey BurnettPublic Health Nurse (PHN) - BSN, RN(Spanish)
Mariya Rabovsky-HerreraPublic Health Nurse (PHN) - BSN, RN, CLEC(Russian, Spanish)

CCHP Oral Health Consultants

Photo of Lauren
Lauren UmetaniRegistered Dental Hygienist (RDH)(Japanese)
Ingrid AguirrePublic Service Trainee(Spanish)

CCHP Hearing Health Consultants

photo of Hayley
Hayley KrissCertified School Audiometrist, MPH

CCHP Nutrition and BMI Health Consultants

Camay KoHealth Worker(Cantonese)


Katie DellaMariaProgram Manager, MSN, PHN, RN
Dorcas WaiteHealth Program Coordinator, MS(Swahili, Kikuyu)

Contact information


Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health333 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA 94103
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