Our mission
What the Assessor Does
- Fairly and accurately identifies and assesses all taxable real and personal property in the City and County of San Francisco.
- Prepares the annual assessment roll which reflects the taxable values of land, improvements, and personal property.
- Provides information to assist property and business owners with questions about their assessments.
- Works to ensure constituents are aware of benefits they may qualify for.
- Benefits include exemptions and exclusions as well as options for valuation adjustments such as informal reviews and assessment appeals.
What the Recorder Does
- Maintains and secures a permanent archive of public records and provides them to the public in an accessible manner.
- Documents include deeds of trust, liens, public marriage certificates, reconveyances, maps, and more.
- Collects real property transfer tax.
- Performs audits to ensure the correct property value basis for taxation.
Racial Equity Action Plan
The Office of the Assessor-Recorder's Racial Equity Action Plan aims to proactively advance equity in the Department's internal and external work including recruitment, culture, training, community engagement, advocacy, and the review and evaluation of our operations. Our work is guided by our Racial Equity Action Plan.
The Phase One Equity Action Plan recommends strategies to advance racial equity in six core areas:
- Hiring and Recruitment
- Retention and Promotion
- Discipline and Separation
- Diverse and Equitable Workforce
- Mobility and Professional Development
- Organizational Culture of Inclusion and Belonging
Digital Access & Inclusion
The Office of the Assessor-Recorder (ASR) wants everyone to be able to use this website easily.
We follow rules for accessibility (WCAG 2.1, Level AA) and language access (San Francisco Language Access Ordinance).
If something on this website doesn’t work for you, email our Director of Communications, Abby Fay, at abigail.fay@sfgov.org and include:
- The webpage or URL
- What the problem is
If you work for the City or are applying for a job and need help, please contact Human Resources.
Office of the Assessor-Recorder Racial Equity Action Plan 2020
ASR Full Racial Equity Action PlanASR Progress Report for 2022
ASR Racial Equity Progress Report