African American Reparations Advisory Committee
A committee that develops recommendations for repairing harm in our Black communities.
African American Reparations Advisory Committee
A committee that develops recommendations for repairing harm in our Black communities.
African American Reparations Advisory Committee Final Report
Review the African American Reparations Advisory Committee’s final report and recommendations below.Link to AARAC Final Report hereCalendar
Full calendarMeeting calendar
Link to details from and recordings of past AARAC meetings.
SFAARAC Total Recommendations 04.10.2023
Link below for updates to African American Reparations Advisory Committee draft report, as presented at April 10, 2023 AARAC Monthly Meeting.AARAC Draft Report UpdateResources
San Francisco Reparations Public Survey
The Reparations Committee advises the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, the Human Rights Commission, and the public on the development of a San Francisco Reparations Plan. The plan will highlight ways that City policies have harmed Black lives. It will also include specific actions to address discrimination and inequities in areas like housing, education, transit access, and food security. The Committee is comprised of 15 appointed members who work across several subcommittees.
Learn more about usContact information
San Francisco, CA 94102
Program Manager