Preliminary unintentional drug overdose deaths

Preliminary unintentional drug overdose deaths in San Francisco by month.

Preliminary unintentional drug overdose deaths by month

The chart below shows the number of preliminary unintentional drug overdose deaths recorded by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) in San Francisco by month. Some cases included are still under investigation. Most cases involve poisoning from cocaine, methamphetamines, or opioids, but some involve poisoning by other drugs or alcohol.

Data notes and sources
  • The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) investigates any unknown cause of death. Data include cases that are still under investigation. 

  • The previous months' totals may change.

  • These data come from the preliminary monthly Accidental Drug Overdose Report, published by the San Francisco Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and are updated monthly.

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