Park Maintenance Evaluation: Park Size

Scores by park size from FY 2015-2024.

About park size scores

We group parks by sizes: 

  • Greater than 5 acres
  • 1 to 5 acres
  • 0.25 to 1 acre
  • Less than 0.25 acres

As of FY 2024, there are 47 parks larger than 5 acres, 58 between 1 and 5 acres, 42 between 0.25 and 1 acres, and 24 under 0.25 acres. 

Reviewing scores by park size can help to identify any trends or challenges based on park sizes. 

Key takeaways for FY 2024

All park size groupings scored at or above 89% in FY 2024. There was no statistically significant difference between the scores by park size group. Scores also saw no statistically significant change from FY 2023 to FY 2024.

On this page, we discuss the key takeaways for the most recent fiscal year. To explore prior fiscal year's data, use the drop-down menus on the visualizations. 

Scores by Park Size

Data notes and sources

Quarterly park evaluations generate the underlying data. We completed analysis and transformations in Microsoft Power BI and R. The dataset is available through DataSF

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Park scores over time

Data notes and sources

Quarterly park evaluations generate the underlying data. We completed analysis and transformations in Microsoft Power BI and R. The dataset is available through DataSF

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