Park Maintenance Evaluation: Equity Zone Parks

Park scores by Equity Zone and Non-Equity Zone from FY 2016-2024.

About Equity Zone Parks

About Equity Zones

As part of the park evaluation program, RPD monitors scores for parks in Equity Zones. An Equity Zone is a neighborhood harmed by historical environmental burdens. One example is hazardous pollution harmful to the air, water, or soil. 

About Environmental Justice

Environmental justice is the equitable distribution of environmental benefits and the elimination of environmental burdens to promote healthy communities where all San Franciscans can thrive. The San Francisco Planning Department manages the Environmental Justice Framework. The Framework establishes a clear set of visions and priorities to advance health in communities of color and low-income communities. RPD uses this framework to identify the Equity Zone Parks.

About Equity Zone Parks

Reviewing scores in Equity Zone and non-Equity Zone parks can help us explore any differences between the two groups. RPD aims to have no difference in average scores between the two groups. 

Key takeaways for FY 2024

There was no statistically significant difference between park scores inside and outside of Equity Zones. While individual parks may differ, there was no overall trend between the two groups.

On this page, we discuss the key takeaways for the most recent fiscal year. To explore prior fiscal year's data, use the drop-down menus on the visualizations. 

Parks in Equity Zones

Data notes and sources

Quarterly park evaluations generate the underlying data. We completed analysis and transformations in Microsoft Power BI and R. The dataset is available through DataSF

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Data notes and sources

Quarterly park evaluations generate the underlying data. We completed analysis and transformations in Microsoft Power BI and R. The dataset is available through DataSF

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Equity Zone Park Scores

Data notes and sources

Quarterly park evaluations generate the underlying data. We completed analysis and transformations in Microsoft Power BI and R. The dataset is available through DataSF

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