Return your ballot

You must sign your ballot envelope and return it by Election Day.

What to do

You have 3 options to return your ballot:

1. Return your ballot by mail

Mailed ballots must be postmarked by Election Day to be counted. Check USPS collection times if you mail your ballot on Election Day.

You do not need a stamp since the envelope is postage-paid.

2. Return your ballot to a voting site

Beginning 29 days before Election Day, you can drop off your ballot at the City Hall Voting Center during Voting Center hours.

From 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day, you can drop off your ballot at City Hall or at any polling place in California.

3. Return your ballot to a drop box

Beginning 29 days before Election Day, you can drop off your ballot at any of the City’s 37 official drop boxes. Every drop box shows the City seal and the American flag, is accessible and outdoors, and is open 24/7 until 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Get help with your ballot

You can ask someone else to return your ballot, such as a friend or family member. The envelope contains a section for this purpose.

We also provide ballot delivery and pickup services. Call us at 415-554-4375 or email us to request help.

You can visit any City voting location to use accessible tools and get help in the language you speak.

Track your ballot

We encourage you to track your ballot via the Voter Portal. You can also sign up for email, text, or voice call notifications

About official ballot box security

San Francisco’s official ballot drop boxes were designed and installed in compliance with state security guidelines. They are constructed of durable steel and use a tamper-proof design. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Department collects ballots from drop boxes regularly between 29 days before Election Day through close of polls on Election Night.

Get help


1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
City Hall, Room 48
San Francisco, CA 94102


Fax: 415-554-7344 TTY: 415-554-4386 中文: 415-554-4367 Español: 415-554-4366 Filipino: 415-554-4310

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