Compliance monitoring

Annual Reporting

Annual reporting and periodic inspections are the two primary tools that the Asset Management Team uses to monitor projects, assess their performance, and ensure ongoing compliance.

Annual Occupancy Report (AOR)

The Mayors’ Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) will be launching a new reporting system for its non-profit, affordable rental housing portfolio. The data about unit occupancy, tenant demographics, and evictions (“occupancy data”) will be collected via an online reporting system. MOHCD will be communicating with agencies that are subject to reporting requirements about how to use this new Annual Occupancy Report (AOR) system. Starting with the 2021 reporting year, MOHCD ceased to collect occupancy data via the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR).

As the new AOR system is being developed, MOHCD will collect occupancy data through an interim reporting form in Microsoft Excel, called the “Annual Occupancy Report – XL.”  The report is designed to collect the required occupancy data for 2021, 2022 and 2023.  The reporting form is available as of June 21, 2024.  The deadline for all reports is August 15, 2024.

Annual Occupancy Report XL – Call for Submissions for 2021, 2022 and 2023 (PDF)

List of Developments Required to Report via AOR-XL (PDF)

AOR-XL Reporting Form (Excel)

Enabling Disabled Macros In Excel (PDF)

AOR-XL Video Training

Annual Monitoring Report

The Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) collects data about project operations and fiscal performance. The report is required of most projects that have been financed by MOHCD. (Project owners should check the financing agreement with MOHCD to determine whether or not the requirement applies to a project.) The report is due on May 31 for projects whose business year ends on 12/31 and on November 30 for projects whose business year ends on 6/30, and it must be submitted in electronic form only to For more information about the AMR, contact Mike McLoone.

Annual Monitoring Report forms for Reporting Year 2023 (7/1/2022 through 6/30/2023, OR 1/1/2023 through 12/31/2023)

2023 AMR and SR-AMR – Call for Submissions (PDF) (NEW)

AMR Reporting Year 2023 (Excel) (NEW)

Owner Compliance Certificate 2023 (PDF) (NEW)

Audit Requirements for MOHCD-Funded Projects (PDF) (effective 3/14/2016)

2023 AMR Deadlines for MOHCD-Financed Projects (NEW)

Policy on AMR Deadlines and Extensions

Eviction Prevention Information Notice (NEW)

Guide for Completion of AMR Report (PDF) 

How-to videos: The MOHCD Asset Management staff have created training videos that can be downloaded for viewing anytime. These videos may also be shown at the in-person trainings that we offer. We make these available online so that they can be utilized anytime, based on the training needs of relevant staff, and as staffing transitions occur.

Video Training Modules (NEW)

Suggested Sequence of Video Modules (PDF)  (NEW)

Annual Monitoring Report — AMR-EZ

The AMR-EZ is used to collect a more-limited set of data about project operations. This report is required of projects with City contracts that impose relatively fewer obligations compared to projects that are required to submit the more-comprehensive AMR. MOHCD will inform you if you are authorized to use and submit the AMR-EZ instead of an AMR. If you have any questions, contact Mike McLoone.

2023 AMR-EZ – Call for Submissions (PDF)

2023 AMR-EZ and CDLAC Certification of Compliance – Call for Submissions (PDF)

2023 Request for CDLAC Certification of Compliance (PDF)

AMR-EZ Reporting Year 2023 (Excel)

AMR-EZ Deadlines and Extensions - Effective 12/19/2018 (PDF)

AMR-EZ - Guide for Report Completion (PDF)

MOHCD Project List for 2023 AMR-EZs and Certifications of Compliance (Excel)

Periodic inspections

The Asset Management Team conducts periodic inspections of projects financed by MOH to determine if they are being operated in compliance with the terms of the MOHCD financing agreements and applicable City and federal regulations. The inspections entail a physical inspection of the project, as well as an examination of tenant files and property management records. For more information on periodic inspections, contact Scott Madden

MOHCD inspection forms - These are the forms used by MOHCD staff to conduct periodic inspections.

Site Inspection Notice (PDF)

Interview with Staff (PDF)

Property Inspection Form (PDF)

Tenant File Review Checklist (PDF)

Affordability restrictions – income limits and maximum rents

To ensure that the rental housing financed by MOHCD is available to and affordable to low-income people, each project is subject to a set of affordability restrictions, which are enforced through a financing agreement and/or a deed restriction which is usually titled “Declaration of Restrictions” or a "Regulatory Agreement". The affordability restrictions define the income limit(s) that apply to a project and set the maximum rents that can be charged, and among other things, they may also set limits on annual rent increases. Income limits and maximum rents change annually, based on data from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The limits and maximums for 2024 are effective April 30, 2024, see links below:

Guidance Letter (PDF)  (NEW)

2024 Income Limits (PDF)  (NEW)

2024 Maximum Rents (PDF)  (NEW)

AMI General FAQ (PDF)  (NEW)

More information on income and rent limits, including historic data, is available on the Income Limits and Rent Limits for Affordable Rental Projects Under Contract with MOHCD page.

Demographic information collection forms

MOHCD collects data on the race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity of the participants and tenants of the housing programs and projects that we fund. The information will help us to ensure that these programs, projects and services are addressing the needs of diverse communities. In addition, the information helps us to meet the reporting requirements of important funders of affordable housing, like HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development).

Demographic Information Collection Forms

Tenant income certifications

The following forms must be used to conduct initial and annual income certifications of prospective and existing tenants in MOHCD-funded projects.

Tenant Income Certification Form (PDF)

Tenant Income Certification Questionnaire (PDF)

Tenant Income Certification Policy for MOH-Funded Tax Credit Projects (PDF)

Technical Guide for Determining Income and Allowances (PDF) - for HOME-funded projects only

Marketing requirements for MOHCD-financed multifamily rental projects

Before advertising the availability of units for lease in a project or the opening of the waiting list, owners and property managers must notify MOHCD of this action by completing a Marketing Plan Template and submitting it to the staff person assigned to the project on MOHCD’s asset management and compliance monitoring team. Once the marketing plan is approved, MOHCD will post information about the available units or opening of the wait list on DAHLIA - the City's internet portal where members of the public may get information and apply for affordable housing. Please review the housing preferences that may apply to your project on our Lottery Preference page. General information for people seeking affordable housing in San Francisco can also be found on our web site at this location.