Get a permit to open a cannabis lounge
Apply to operate a business where cannabis can be consumed
What to know
Before you apply for a cannabis lounge health permit
What to do
Article 8A of the SF Health code states that the Public Health Department can establish rules to protect consumers and staff, promote sanitary preparation and consumption and prevent cannabis edible-borne disease. Find detailed Article 8A information.
1. Apply for a permit to open a lounge where people will consume pre-packaged cannabis products
You must also have the following:
- A restroom that can be used by the customers
- Handwashing facilities shall be provided within all restrooms
- Must be vermin proof
- Shattered proof lighting over the area where people are eating the cannabis product
- Lighting shall be shielded, coated or shatter‐ resistant.
- Mop sink with appropriate flooring.
See complete requirements here
Complete this application if you also want to sell prepackaged food
2. Apply for a permit to open a lounge where there will be some onsite product preparation
You must also have the following:
- A restroom that can be used by the customers
- Handwashing facilities shall be provided within all restrooms
- Must be vermin proof
- Shattered proof lighting over the area where people are eating the cannabis product and in areas designated for limited prep.
- Lighting shall be shielded, coated or shatter‐ resistant.
- Mop sink with appropriate flooring.
See complete requirements here
Complete this application if you also want to sell prepackaged food
3. Apply for a permit to open a smoking or vaping lounge
- Complete ventilation requirements form
- Have it signed and stamped by a licensed mechanical engineer
- Submit to the Environmental Health Cannabis Consumption Program for approval before applying for a building permit
Complete this application if you also want to sell prepackaged food
Get help
Permit Center
49 South Van Ness, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103
Program contact
mohanned.malhi@sfdph.orgPartner agencies
What to know
Before you apply for a cannabis lounge health permit
What to do
Article 8A of the SF Health code states that the Public Health Department can establish rules to protect consumers and staff, promote sanitary preparation and consumption and prevent cannabis edible-borne disease. Find detailed Article 8A information.
1. Apply for a permit to open a lounge where people will consume pre-packaged cannabis products
You must also have the following:
- A restroom that can be used by the customers
- Handwashing facilities shall be provided within all restrooms
- Must be vermin proof
- Shattered proof lighting over the area where people are eating the cannabis product
- Lighting shall be shielded, coated or shatter‐ resistant.
- Mop sink with appropriate flooring.
See complete requirements here
Complete this application if you also want to sell prepackaged food
2. Apply for a permit to open a lounge where there will be some onsite product preparation
You must also have the following:
- A restroom that can be used by the customers
- Handwashing facilities shall be provided within all restrooms
- Must be vermin proof
- Shattered proof lighting over the area where people are eating the cannabis product and in areas designated for limited prep.
- Lighting shall be shielded, coated or shatter‐ resistant.
- Mop sink with appropriate flooring.
See complete requirements here
Complete this application if you also want to sell prepackaged food
3. Apply for a permit to open a smoking or vaping lounge
- Complete ventilation requirements form
- Have it signed and stamped by a licensed mechanical engineer
- Submit to the Environmental Health Cannabis Consumption Program for approval before applying for a building permit
Complete this application if you also want to sell prepackaged food
Get help
Permit Center
49 South Van Ness, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94103
Program contact