CalWORKs Active Caseload

Number of San Francisco residents utilizing CalWORKs services

Measure Description

The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program (CalWORKs) is the state’s county-administered version of the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. 

The CalWORKs Active Caseload is the number of CalWORKs cases that have received cash assistance during the month for which the data are reported.  This measure is a work load indicator. The San Francisco Human Services Agency administers and tracks CalWORKs services. 

Why this Measure is Important

Reporting on the CalWORKs Active Caseload provides the public, elected officials, and City staff with a current snapshot of the demand for San Francisco safety net services. 

CalWORKs provides cash aid and social services to low-income families with children. CalWORKs families also receive CalFresh and Medi-Cal. Once a parent obtains employment and no longer qualifies for financial aid, CalWORKs can still provide post-employment services to help with job retention and further job skill development. Additionally, CalWORKs continues to provide financial assistance to children whose parents’ income off of the program does not achieve self-sufficiency.

The interactive chart below presents the City’s CalWORKs Active Caseload. 

The chart’s legend is below: 

  • Y-axis: CalWORKs Active Caseload
  • X-Axis: Calendar year

CalWORKs Active Caseload

How Performance is Measured

The CalWORKs Active Caseload is calculated using the following methodology

Number of CalWORKs cases that are paid cash assistance (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) during the month for which data has been reported. 

The monthly numbers presented are point in-time-counts of the active caseload for each program. The number displayed on the scorecard page represents a fiscal year average of CAAP active cases shown in the chart above.

Data Notes and Sources

All CalWORKs cases are tracked and reported using CalWIN, an administrative database used in 18 California counties.

Data lag time:  CalWORKs Active Caseloads are reported with a one-month lag. For example, May’s data will be available in June. 

Visit DataSF to access the scorecard data.

Additional Information

Visit the Human Services Agency's website to apply for CalWORKs benefits and learn about the program.

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