Renting affordable housing
Get City help to find and stay in an affordable rental. Includes below market rate housing.

Find an affordable rental through the housing lottery
Learn how to get below market rate rental housing in San Francisco.Understand the rental processYou can also get City help to buy a home or get a downpayment loan. Includes services for below market rate homeowners. Learn about buying.
Find an apartment
Find an affordable rental
Enter the lottery to rent a below market rate apartment on DAHLIA SF Housing Portal.
Apply to first come, first served listings
Apply to rent a below market rate apartment without entering a lottery.
Other housing opportunities
Other ways to find housing in the Greater Bay Area. Includes housing for seniors.

Apply to rent without a lottery
Apply to rent a below market rate apartment without entering a lottery. We review applications in the order they come in.View listingsResources
For people looking for housing
Understand the rental process
How to find and apply for a rental through San Francisco's affordable housing lottery.
Get priority in the housing lottery
Lottery preference programs give you a better chance at getting housing.
How the affordable housing lottery works
A lottery determines your place in line to get housing. Find out how it works.
After the rental housing lottery
What to expect after the lottery for affordable rental housing.
Eligibility for MOHCD housing programs
MOHCD housing programs have income and household size requirements. Some units are for specific populations.
Find your Area Median Income (AMI) level
Your AMI level determines whether you can apply for income based services.
Get emails about new housing opportunities
Find out when new affordable housing listings are posted on DAHLIA.
For current renters
Get help paying rent
Emergency help to pay your rent or a security deposit.
Get help if you might be evicted
Resources if you are having conflicts, served an eviction notice, or need help paying rent.
Report a residential building concern
Report building or living condition problems for residential buildings including single room occupancy (SRO) hotels.